此项工作补贴在2004年之前叫PWA(parental wage assistance program).只有低收入(22000/年,working income, not bursary)有孩子的家庭才可以申请。2005年开始才改为你所提到的工作补贴. you can call the phone number to ask for the details:872-8888
The program "work premium" is for 2005, not 2004. In 2004, it's PWA. If your income is more than 100$/m (working income) and has a child or more (under18), you can apply for it. But now the time is over (before Jan.10,2005).
I worked in 2004 and annual income is around $10000(not including the aid from COFI).I am living alone,having no kid.could I apply for work premium of last year?where can I get the application form?
thanks a lot
to 蹲在篱笆外:
Last year it was PWA, you are not eligible to apply it. But in 2005, it changes to work premium, you can apply. Call the number for the details. 1-866-337-0183.
to macaque
You have to call the number to apply for it. 1-866-337-6299