If you have CMB(China Merchant Bank) bank card, you can try www.cmbchina.com. If you can not transfer money there, you must apply the online banking and install the banking software at China. So you can not do it at Canada.2 ~' D% a' V$ j6 g5 g1 g
1 Z7 f6 B5 D8 d+ L3 \( w: _i recommend people apply the online bank before going abroad. You can use the CMB online bank to buy things online, transfer money easily and use other useful services.
招商银行对于从境外汇款回国内有一个特定的汇款路径,你的家人在办一卡通的时候可以直接在柜台上跟他们要。加元不知道能不能汇回去,我记得他们好象只有美元、日元和港币的帐户。你可以汇美元回去。好象是通过美国的corestates bank, international. 帐号不记得了。还需要知道你的家人的一卡通号码。