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车窗电摩托的有趣问题, 恳请高手提些意见

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发表于 2005-3-31 18:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本人有部96年 丰田 camry, 今天开车窗时, 只能开而不能关,
后来总算打开了车厢内之门盖子, 了解内里的电路, 理解到车
窗的开关, 实由于正反方双向+12 vdc流入同一摩托之内.


1. 同一摩托, 为何只能开而不能关? (估计摩托尚未烧掉)

2. 因为车窗已经开尽, 在开动"开"方向时, 听到摩托发出一声
小响, 但为何开动"关"方向时, 听不到摩托发出任何声音?

3. 在开动"开"方向时, 输入摩托的电流是12 vdc, 可能因为车窗
已经开到尽了, 但是在开动"关"方向时, 输入摩托的电流是低于
12 vdc, 是否即是当中有能量在消耗? 是否摩托试图转动? 是否

请问, 现在本人应该怎样做? 到车行买个新 摩托, 还是打开
摩托内的拉缆厢, 好好的加一点油. 请指教
发表于 2005-3-31 20:06 | 只看该作者



Do It Yourself, very interesting
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发表于 2005-3-31 20:10 | 只看该作者
I think you need change switch.
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-3-31 22:31 | 只看该作者
Well, I did remove the door panel, and check the switch. This window can be controlled from two switches(one from passager seat and one from driver seat), and both switches cannot close this window but just open it. I am pretty sure that the problem are not from the switches, they won't break at the same time.

I checked the voltage across the motor poles when I was turning  the switch on, they are 12VDC when opening and less than 12VDC when closing.

And also, the motor makes a click noise when I open the window, and makes no noise when I close the window.

Tomorrow, I may try to find any blockage on the window rack and pulling cable, or I will dismantle the motor and gear, see whether the motor will move without the gear and pulling cable.

Any further suggestion? Thanks a million.
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发表于 2005-3-31 23:06 | 只看该作者
try to do like this:connect power directly from battery to motor,check the window.then change positive to negative,check window again.sometimes rack rust,but very rary.
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-1 00:32 | 只看该作者
emm..... this is a good suggestion, at least, I will know whether those switches may go wrong or not, thanks
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发表于 2005-4-1 10:19 | 只看该作者
kagapi said right, it sounds like the main switch(driver side) malfunction, but you can follow his procedure to check the motor. For Toyota, the motor isn't operate directly to switch, it is controlled by main switch and each door's switch together. Usually the main switch is the problem(due to poor contact inside).
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-1 16:50 | 只看该作者
Vow..... Bravo..... You guys are ingenious and knowledgeable, I found the back door switch's problem, one of the ground wire was not grounded(probably I have wire problem now), that's why this switch could just open the window, but not close it. I soldered this gound wire to another ground wire.

Now, it is the turn for the front door main switch, I opened the main switch, and clean it. I found the switch looks OK, at least the contact is OK within the switches (shows no resistance in the multimeter), but I worry about poor contacts between the electric plug and the main switch.

Rigth now, my main switch has problems on the back winodw and locking the doors.

Any suggestion for my front foor main switch? ThanQ
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-4-2 00:22 | 只看该作者

怀疑防锈油阻碍电路, 欲寻汽车电路书籍

本人已经把camry前后门都拆开, 发现内里大致正常,只是电
路本应grounded 的, 没有grounded, 开始怀疑问题是出在电路
别一边的车头盖下面的电线插头, 因为长年来, 每年一次的防锈
处理, 车盖下边很多地方已经积满油迹, 再加上黑黑的灰尘, 实
不敢胡乱打开那些电线插头, 恐怕一个不好, 把插头弄破, 或把
油迹阻隔电路的情形恶化, 所以欲寻toyota camry电路书一本,
市面上有几个不同出书商, 见到有 haynes 和 chinlton, 不知
道那本好呢? 还有没有比这两本更好的书, 请指教, 谢谢各位
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