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发表于 2002-6-10 19:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
. P! J, J" e: q. v+ _1 A handrail shoud be added next to the passage leading to the basement (in and outside)....
' x! g: I1 C  R4 ?& v' x2 A railing should be installed arround the stairwell in the front of the basement and the rear balcany should be fitted with a railing., Q- h$ `0 o; l; i6 |. G2 n( h
上文1中的HANDRAIL我知道是扶手的意思, 请问2中的两个railing指什么?也指扶手(或栏杆)吗?可是2中的后阳台(REAR BALCANY)是有栏杆的呀! 我打电话问了保险公司的人,对方很不耐烦,只是告诉我做这些改动非常容易,一个小时就足够了,还说只要到别人家的阳台上看看就知道了.可是,这么"简单"的问题我就是弄不明白,眼看最后期限将至....
6 A& p8 z* P) B  ^, m9 b5 J7 p哪位学建筑的大虾或是有过类似经验的朋友请帮帮忙,解此燃眉之急,小弟不胜感激!
发表于 2002-6-10 20:21 | 只看该作者
Hi, my friend. It's very easy, just change to another insurance company.It's easyer than to change the handrails thay've demanded.As I can see, they simply want to get rid of you,that's why they ask such unreasonable demand. The number 1 and number 2 are talking about the same thing---handrail. they want you to install the handrail both in and out side. Insurance company usually do not ask for handrails, unless the house is for commercial use.
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 楼主| 发表于 2002-6-11 16:07 | 只看该作者
Thanks a lot! Verdunois. You are really helpeful and seem to know everything.The estate I mentioned is exactely used for commercial purperse.But I still think it strange since the house have been covered by the same insurance commpany  for years , it never give me such requirements . I think you are right, I'd better change a company. Thank you again!
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