想请教各位大侠一个问题:我目前希望在york的mba和concordia的master of science in management (finance)之间作一个选择,但对concordia的这个program不了解,哪位就各位所知介绍一下concordia的那个program吗?比如说名气,生源和就业前景等等。
York is a well-recognized university in Canada. Concordia is not. I've already said, Concordia MBAs would be better off staying unemployed for the rest of their life.
As a matter of fact, master of science in management (finance) is quite a strange program. You won't see programs like that
offered at a real business school. For God sake, make a wise decision.
thanks for your reply. but is the master of science in finance so poor? i found that the queens, mcmaster and ubc also have same program. in my minds, it may be similar to the financial engineering program. it seemed that financial engineering program lay emphasis on the math and programming while the msc in finance is something between the finacial engineering and mba. any ideas about my thoughts?
master of science in management (finance) is not financial engineering, which is normally offerd at Math department, or the like. Master of science in management (finance) in Quebec (the only place in North America where idiots speak French), is something strange, an inferior clone of a MBA majored in finance. no quants invloved. If you do want to become a number guy, try Top 10 in the states. STAY AWAY from Concordia.
do you feel yourself an idiot when you have written these rubbish information in English, which is not constuctive at all? For those who speak French and Chinese, they will be utterly enraged by your idiotic remark!
Whoops! wait a minute, M.S.W (my small washroom), why are you so enraged? I am just here explaining things to my folks from DongBei. I'm not insulting anyone, except for those French people. If you don't like my tone, do not even read it. Don't fire, please.
money laundry, you are so funny. obviously you dislike french guys. can you tell me why?
yes, i suppose the ms in finance is not involved so much about math and computer. i plan to pursue a doctor degree after graduation, so the ms in finance seemed to be a choice. the mba is too expensive for our dongbei guys, as well as the top 10.
m.s.w.,are you from concordia? could you provide any information, such as the class size and faculty?