to king&queen,cheer up! what the locals do is going to colleges for undergraduate and find a nice University for Graduate study, different opinions from what we hold. and later you can choose what really major suites you. and still the best Universities in Canada are, no doubt, University of Toronto and Queens University.Lots of luck.
你们说得很对,面前可以选择的路很多。我不应该仅仅局限在老的思维套路里面。 谢谢大家的关心。塞翁失马,彦知扉福。
to淼小楼:这次发贴得是一位失落的学弟,当然这不是你的错,因为学妹和学弟我们共用一个id,所以king & Queen may be she or he. she has been accepted by mcgill. I have been refused by mcgill. Lucky her, shit me. puzzled....