if your schoolarship is eligible for 3000 exemption for fed., usually it 100% deducted for Quebec. How to do that ? read the guide.
child care exp. should be ok.
rental slip, if less than $900, forget it (if you have spouse, i guess you do), the rent you paid in BC has nothing to do with your Quebec return, and forget it tooo.
Post by ddo_west
Please someone help me with following questions:
For scholarship, Federal tax return only requirs reporting the amount exceeding $3000. Does any body know if this rule applies to Quebec Tax reyurn?
I moved from BC to Quebec in last Summer, I am wondering if child care expenses over $7/day are refunded for childcare expenses BC?
We got a tax slip for renting apartment. I haven't figured out how to use it in Tax report. What about the rent I paid in BC for the first half year?
Thank you very much for any information about the above issue. |