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发表于 2005-12-27 12:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
大家都知道许多外国人看不起中国人,他们甚至对老黑或印度人都比对中国人好。为什么呢?中国人能移民到加拿大来的非富贵则有才,不是投资就是技术移民,但 为什么外国人对中国人另眼相看呢?我经常探讨性地和我的外国朋友们聊天,一般地人家不愿说这些,怕不小心弄出个种族歧视罪来。但一来二往,我还是发现了几 点值得一提的事情。

1.几乎所有外国人都比较排斥中国人吃饭端起碗或盘子的习惯。一老外朋友是个非常喜欢中国文化的人,曾经两次自费去中国旅游。他提到有一次在香港被邀请到 一个非常豪华的中餐馆。他觉得饭店装修得象四星级宾馆一样,每个就餐的客人都是盛装出席。但是让他惊讶的是几乎每个客人都会时不时端起自己的碗,这种习惯 是不能让西方人接受的。西方人从小受的教育是在未吃完饭之前,不能用手端起自己的盘子或碗,唯一可以接触盘子的工具是刀、叉、匙。由此看来,无论是大陆人 还是香港、台湾人,因为我们都喜欢喝汤、吃米饭,而汤匙是用瓷做的。当汤或米饭快到底时,那厚厚的瓷汤匙自然弄不上来,必须把碗倾斜一点才能享受那美味佳 肴。我们从来没想到这在西方人看来简直是粗鲁的习惯。

2.就餐时,如果有任何东西你不想吃或不能吃,肥肉、骨头等等,不可以就这样吐出来,一定要用餐巾纸捂着嘴,吐在餐巾里,再卷起来不让人看到。我曾试过和 老外吃早茶,点了一个凤爪,我吃一口吐一口骨头,一会儿就得向服务员要一叠餐巾纸,下次再也不敢要这种有骨头的东西了。坐在餐桌前,不可以把胳膊肘或手放 在桌子上, 他们有句话说“Anything on the table are for cutting”, 就是说放在桌上的东西都是切来吃的。

2.就餐完毕,许多国人喜欢用牙签剔牙。虽然大家都喜欢用一只手半遮半挡,认为这样就不伤大雅了,可在老外看来仍不可思议。西方人认为在同桌就餐的人还未 吃完时,万万不可以做任何这种倒胃口的举动。既使大家都吃饱喝足,闲聊话常,也很少有人在大庭广众面前剔牙。不用说剔牙,就连女士补妆重新画口红,也要到 洗手间秘密进行,不可以在众目睽睽之下掏出镜子补妆。


4.已经有很多国人注意到在公共场合大声喧哗这一点了。一般来说,在大街上,在Mall里,如果看到远处有朋友,老外很少选择大声叫着名字奔过去,他们只 会安静地跑过去跟朋友打招呼。我不大赞同这一点,中国有句俗话说“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”,偶遇自己的朋友,更应该会很兴奋。如果等你走过去,他们已不 见踪影,岂不是很懊悔?中国人说话嗓门大还体现在讲电话上,即使面对面讲话有时嗓门也很大。记得有一次跟外国朋友去中餐馆吃饭,就听到厨房哇哇讲话。老外 一脸狐疑地问我,“他们在吵架吗?”其实他们只是在聊天。还有不止一次的当我与朋友通电话时,我的许多朋友是北方人,说话嗓门大,老外听到了都以为我们在 吵架

5.几乎我所有的老外朋友们都提到了中国人开车。中国人开车不是特快就是特慢。开得快的遇见黄灯都闯过去,看见Stop Sign也不完全停下来,看见其它车从小道等着切入大道,很少有中国人会停下来让别的车过去。开得慢的在快车线上开着慢速,妨碍别人快速前进。还有些人不 管什么交通规则,在不让U-turn 的地方掉头,在十字路口掉头,都是很危险容易造成交通事故的。

6.还有一些情况会发生在个别国人的身上,即个人卫生。最厉害的是口腔卫生。本人晚上睡前刷牙,早上起床后再刷,有一次还是被要好的朋友指出口腔有味道。 我们公司有几个中国人,时不时也会闻到他们的嘴里有味。有一次去太古广场,店里的小姐打扮得非常时髦,一张嘴就把我薰跑了。这个问题最难解决的是自己往往 闻不到,在我们自我感觉良好的时候,可能一张嘴就玩完。我现在甚至有点神经过敏,一时不停地嚼着口香糖,在办公室也备了牙刷和漱口水。又听说酸奶可以去 味,现在我又在办公室准备了酸奶,生怕一不小心遗臭办公室。


发表于 2005-12-27 21:30 | 只看该作者


Post by white rabbit

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 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-27 21:50 | 只看该作者
实话告诉你,我的水平是很差,文中有些我也不是很清楚, 曾经也做的不好.

我转贴这篇文章,只不过让刚来的朋友了解加拿大的习俗.我们自己注意一些,了解什么行为是有礼貌的,哪些是不够礼貌的, 对我们大家都有所帮助.
Post by xuqi20000
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发表于 2005-12-27 21:58 | 只看该作者


Post by white rabbit
实话告诉你,我的水平是很差,文中有些我也不是很清楚, 曾经也做的不好.
我转贴这篇文章,只不过让刚来的朋友了解加拿大的习俗.我们自己注意一些,了解什么行为是有礼貌的,哪些是不够礼貌的, 对我们大家都有所帮助.
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发表于 2005-12-27 22:18 | 只看该作者


Post by white rabbit
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发表于 2005-12-28 01:10 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2005-12-28 22:07 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2006-9-9 09:26 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-9-9 21:50 | 只看该作者

From cells to bells, 10 things the Chinese do far better than we do

[size=-1]JAN WONG -
              Saturday, October 23, 2004

BEIJING -- Ah, those clever Chinese. First they invent gunpowder and a few other essentials of modern civilization. Now they're gunning their economic engines. Yet who would have thought that, after a millennium of poverty, they'd already do so many things better than we?

  In fact, compiling a Top 10 list of what China does better than Canada isn't easy. There are so many items. To whittle it down, let's assume it's unfair to count anything related to cheap labour.

  So we won't include the wonderfully thorough mop-ups of supermarket spills: The staff don't plunk down those yellow you-can't-sue-us caution signs. They actually fan the floor with a broken sheet of Styrofoam until it is dry.

  Nor will we mention the exquisite, free head-and-shoulder massages that come with every shampoo and haircut.

  And we will only sigh with envy over bicycle couriers speeding theatre tickets to you the same day -- free.

  Frequent travellers will love this one: Even remote rural hotels in China, not previously known for world-beating hygiene, now routinely slip blankets, quilts and coverlets into freshly laundered duvet covers. No more puffy bedspreads and nasty polyester blankets that cover guest after guest without being cleaned, which is still the practice in most of our hotel chains.

  Considering how cheap labour is, it's astonishing that so many Chinese facilities offer free automated lockers now, the way European airports and train stations do. No more old-fashioned keys to form a lump in your pocket -- just a slip of paper with a randomly chosen number that lets you retrieve your belongings. Stores like them because they cut shoplifting; customers like them because they reduce schlepping.

  Not all progress is good. Taxis, subways, trains and elevators barrage you with non-stop ads on flat-screen videos. Some city buses feature live television. Who wants that? Pickpockets, probably.

  For this list, we won't count minor things, either, like the narrow plastic bags that department stores and offices offer on rainy days to sheathe your dripping umbrella. Or the invention of the electronic fly swatter, which electrocutes without squishy messes (and is now available in dollar stores in Canada).

  On this list, we won't count mega things, either, like the soaring architectural wonder of China's airports -- even in provincial capitals like Fuzhou -- awash in natural light. (Not to mention that you can understand the public announcements, and the restaurants are much better.)

  We won't include the vast subway and highway systems and huge underground garages that Beijing, Shanghai and Canton have built in astoundingly little time. Or Shanghai's magnetic-levitation train, the first in the world, which accelerates to 431 kilometres an hour in 2 minutes and 53 seconds. Even the Germans who designed it can't afford one for themselves.

  No, for this list we were looking for truly brilliant ideas, the forehead-slapping kind, the ones that make you say: Now why didn't we think of that?

  1. Cellphones

  By any standard you can think of -- coverage, price, ubiquity -- China's cellphone practices beat ours. You can use them in elevators, subways and parking garages. They work in Tibet, at the Great Wall, in remotest rural China, which is more than you can say for Ontario cottage country. Patients, doctors, nurses and visitors use them in hospitals, too, with no apparent ill effects.

  It's a cheap, pay-as-you-go system, with no stupid monthly contracts or credit checks. The phones are so cheap -- even sidewalk cabbage vendors have them -- that China is now the biggest cellphone market in the world. With 300 million in use, each one telling time, wristwatch sales have plummeted.

  "We're a nation of thumbs," a young Shanghai woman told me, meaning that Chinese use cellphones like BlackBerries, text-messaging friends 24/7, at 1.6 cents a pop. The Chinese never got used to voicemail or answering machines; installing home phones was equivalent to two years pay in the 1980s, so the country leapfrogged over landline technology right into cellular.

  Chinese author Qian Fuchang even plans to transmit a novel -- about an extramarital affair -- via text-messaging, one 70-word chapter at a time.

  2. Informative stop lights

  In Tianjin, a city of 13 million people, traffic lights display red or green signals in a rectangle that rhythmically shrinks down as the time remaining evaporates. In Beijing, some traffic lights offer a countdown clock for both green and red signals.


http://aolnetscape.workopolis.co ... 20041023/CHINATEN23
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发表于 2006-9-9 22:03 | 只看该作者


来到加拿大,你不入乡随俗? 人家很善意的说出一些问题,就会出现像shanghai,xiuqi这种反面论调。 象这些爷们最好还是回国保持传统。 从你们的言语就知你们不适应这里,还是回去吧。我想你们不会坚持用汉语跟老外买东西吧?  
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