好! 介绍一本书给你《Think Like a Genius》by todd siler。
The Think Like a Genius Process transforms an organization’s knowledge, resources, products, and successes in new ways--and transports the organization to new heights of excellence. The TLG Process can function as a virtual mass transit system capable of transporting the imaginations of thousands anywhere they choose to go. “The multitude of the wise” can use it to get to the land of real opportunity and productivity.
The TLG Process is a universal key that opens minds and removes mental barriers that block creative, feasible solutions. Participants share knowledge through a simple yet sophisticated model-building activity that stimulates collaborative learning. They follow a four-step process:
(1)Connection: Make a comparison connecting two or more things;
(2)Discovery: Explore the connections in depth to generate fresh insights and discoveries;
(3)Invention: Create or invent something based on the insights and discoveries;
(4)Application: Apply the invention in innumerable ways and contexts; then do it again, endlessly.
This four-step process is called metaphorming. It is an ageless, versatile process of creative and critical thinking. It is the core of the Think Like a Genius Process.
------------无聊是非常耗费精力的,它可以使你精疲力竭,就像游一英里远的水会使你一点劲也没有一样。许多人不再有想像力,不再有动机,他们沉醉于无聊之中,你认为这有什么奇怪的地方吗?我从来没有遇到过一位天才是知道什么叫无聊或者长期与无聊为伴的。压抑,有;无聊,没有;愤怒,有,极度的挫折,没有。无聊?“从没有听说过!”生活对天才来说总是常新的,令人激动的。当你像天才一样思考时,你永远也不会对生活产生熟悉感,你永远也不会觉得,你已经用尽了自己的经验,总有某些别的东西需要去发现。传奇人物艾尔伯特•施感泽说过:“成功的巨大秘密在于,作为一位从不知疲倦的人走过一生。”无聊的反面就是创造力。 wink |