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发表于 2001-4-1 22:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
   :confused:    :p
发表于 2001-4-1 22:34 | 只看该作者

东西方文化存在着差异、分歧,也存在着对抗和冲突。我们作为刚到这片土地的新人,该怎样认识和了解当地法裔和英裔,还有其他族裔的文化呢?你在生活、学习和工作中,是否也遇到被人歧视,或者不  知所措的非礼呢?


Claude Ho先生,将于四月七日、五月二十六日和六月二日,在“满城华人服务中心”分别举行“中西文化冲突的锐变”、“西方人的行为和思维”和“中西文化融合之探讨”等专题讲座。欢迎大家参加。
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发表于 2001-4-2 14:32 | 只看该作者
We are discriminated, that is the reality, because we are minority groups here. Sometimes you can feel, sometimes you do not, and sometimes they will show it on their faces and sometimes they just keep it in their minds.

One of my colleagues told me that the waiter in a French restaurant "give me an attitude" because I do not speak French, I said I didn't notice it. And my reaction to this is we are not going to that restaurant any more whenever it is possible, even it is the closest one near my company.

I do not think we can remove this from their minds, because this is a common problem in every country, in every corner of the world.  

For the cases you and your friends have met, I think you do not need to take it seriously, because what you face are minors. They do not need to be responsible for their behaviors.

If you think you are discriminated or unfairly treated in other occasions such as in the government service, you can complain to them , even sue them if you want. Discriminating can be a serious offense.

Another thing I want to remind is that protect yourself first. Do not break the law. Call the police. Do not try to solve the problem by yourself.

Of course if you meet the situation you mentioned in the future, you can throw snowballs to them too with those F words or just Chinese from your mouth.
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发表于 2001-4-3 23:00 | 只看该作者



这里面可能有歧视的成分。但是遇到知音旧好多说几句也是人之常情。如果在中国遇到这种事,你可能不会认为售货员歧视你。而这里你之所以有歧视的感觉,原因你可能听不懂他们在说什么,即不了解当   地的文化。



跟洋人打交道时,我可能有一些不知礼的地方,也可能被他们“歧视”过,但是自以为心质比较好,从来不在乎这些。怎么着?你歧视我? 我还歧视你呢!
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发表于 2001-4-4 09:35 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2001-4-4 15:34 | 只看该作者

What's wrong with you? Did you read my post or you can not understand what I am trying to say.

Again, you are wrong, as you did so many times before. This can only show how silly you are.

I am living here very happily. I have many friends who are from China and other countries and many local guys. Everyday we go out to eat in the restaurant and enjoy the Friday night in the bar. And I am working in a Francphone company and we all work together happily. I do not think there is any discrimination because I do not speak French in the company. I am the only Chinese in the company too.

Have you figured out all of these before you made that stupid conclusion that I am not happy living here.

Can you convince everybody here that there is no discrimination in this country? What I am saying is the reality and not only Chinese but everybody can feel and how we should deal with it.

I am really ahamed you have made this topic tarnished. You are such a stubborn guy and stick into the deepshit which you never know and you do not want to know.
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发表于 2001-4-4 17:15 | 只看该作者
Poor memory. I never said that I was in ShenZhen before. You do not want to read the posts carefully ,but eagerly to critize others.

And I know here is Canada. The only problem between you and me is that when I try to discuss a topic and give information to others, you want to distract others from understanding my post and add your logic on it.

I said I would not discuss this here under another topic, but after that you still wanted to show how "smart" you are. Everyone can see from your post and your behavior whether you want to help me or just be showy. Here is BBS, a place where people show their ideas and opinions and try to help each others, not a place for personal fighting.

I am glad to see that you said you would not do that any more. Try to respect others and respect their opinions.

I apologize to everyone that these two posts have nothing to do with the topic. You can skip them.
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发表于 2001-4-7 11:25 | 只看该作者
满城华人服务中心:唐人街987 Cote 四楼
电话: (514)861-5244
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发表于 2001-4-9 18:13 | 只看该作者
可能住在国外的大部分中国人都有被歧视的感觉.那些没有此感的人不知是麻木了还是根本就没有自尊心.在我工作的西人公司,歧视现象就非常严重.那些经理和supervisor平时见了中国人都不会用正眼看你 ,看到你出一点错(甚至不是你的错)他就恶狠狠地斥责你.但对当地人和欧洲,南美州的移民他们就不是这种态度,甚至对黑人的态度都比对中国人好.这是明面上的歧视,还有工作中的歧视.干同样的工作,中国 人明显比外国人既快且好,但中国人的工资就比外国人涨得慢;有工资高的活,好干的活, supervisor交给外国人干而不给中国人干.但是最近,我们公司的经理和supervisor对中国人的态度有了改变,他们不敢动不动就训中国人了.为什么会态度改善了呢,因为公司里大陆来的新移民多了,这些新移 民都是在国内有高学历有工作的,素质比较高,学什么都比外国人快,更重要的是这些人敢说,见到中国人受欺负的事敢于站出来说话.久而久之,这些经理和supervisor在对待中国人的态度上也就慢慢发生了变 化..最近我们公司发生了一件事,中国人取得了胜利.这就说明中国人一定要团结,一定要争取自己的权利,一定要站出来说话.下面我简单说一下这件事:
前几天我们公司里发生了一起中国人和外国人打架的事.外国人是一个孕妇,仗着自己是孕妇别人不敢还手,动手打了中国人,之后又恶人先告状,坐在地上耍赖.经理赶到现场,对那个外国人好言安慰,呵护有加 .对挨打的中国人不但不闻不问,还打电话招来了警察,明显向着这个西人. 这种太过分的做法激怒了所有的中国人,大家一反平时的忍气吞声,都冲上去围住经理和警察,让他们看清楚中国人脖子上被抓打的伤痕,要他们表态公正处理,不准偏袒打人者.过分的歧视,共同的利益使中国?送沤嵩谝黄?不但大陆移民挺身而出,连台湾和香港来的中国人也加入了进来.公司从未见过中国人这么团结,从未见过这么多中国人会以一个声音说话,不得不谨慎地处理此事.这个公司有个规定,如发生打架 ,不论谁对谁错,双方一率开除.中国人向公司提出,若开除就两人一起开除,绝对不能光开除中国人.由于那个外国人是个孕妇,公司恐怕也不能开除她,拖了好多天,终于做出了一个破了自己规定的决定,两个人 一个也没有开除.中国人的要求得到满足.这件事清楚地说明,歧视中国人的现象是有的,但我们可以用我们的团结,我们的力量去逐渐地改变它.中国人不应是一盘散沙,更不能对其他中国人的遭遇冷漠处之.要 知道,发生在其他中国人身上的事有一天也会发生在自己身上.
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发表于 2001-4-9 19:41 | 只看该作者
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