If you have specific questions or concerns about rules that may apply to the goods you are planning to import, contact your nearest CBSA office before you start. We can explain any special requirements ahead of time so that your goods clear the border quickly.
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6 b9 z: S# u; U; D; E. |If you have any other questions, you can contact our Border Information Service (BIS) line. It is a 24-hour telephone service that automatically answers all incoming calls and provides general border services information.
: N6 \* V: o7 Q
6 n! M/ ]3 g1 k) g: F; DYou can access BIS free of charge throughout Canada by calling
0 C+ |2 ^7 q5 H1-800-461-9999. If you are calling from outside Canada, you can access BIS by calling 204-983-3500 or 506-636-5064 (long-distance charges will apply).; h0 U8 w5 ^( B) n) F: o6 k: \9 ~
1 u! u; _# p4 ~4 a- JIf you call during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. local time, Monday to Friday, except holidays), you can speak directly to an agent by pressing "0" at any time. y$ v% x0 T" J* p. R/ F
9 u. n" L2 \% G* Z& x/ b0 VYou can also visit our Web site at www.cbsa.gc.ca. 5 }1 F. ?5 x6 l) M
! |% w0 t: [( e. r& g
5 M ~% N4 h: P寄给你的礼物,你怎么知道是什么?打电话就问没受到包裹的问题,至于包裹里是什么,你是收件人,自然是打来了才知道。<!-- CONTENT ENDS --> |