找出藏独的幕后黑老大? NED of USA
谁雇佣藏独? NED of USA
谁雇佣轮子? NED of USA
谁雇佣闹奥运的"记者"? NED of USA
谁雇佣"民运"? NED of USA
谁雇佣藏独? NED of USA
Into the twenty-first century, via the National Endowment for "Democracy" and other conduits that are more respectable sounding than the CIA, the U.S. Congress continued to allocate an annual $2 million to Tibetans in India, with additional millions for “democracy activities” within the Tibetan exile community.
谁雇佣轮子? NED of USA
The Epoch Times
Anti-China propaganda broadsheet that is distributed free throughout the USA (mostly in the downtowns of major cities) and numerous other countries by its private publishers. The Epoch Times officers are known Falun Gong practitioners. It is a tool of Chinese dissident Li Hongzhi's Falun Dafa cult and the recipient of USA taxpayers' money via the National Endowment for "Democracy" and Freedom House.
谁雇佣闹奥运的"记者"? NED of USA
Reporters Without Borders / Reporters Sans Frontiers
Paris based RSF was founded by Robert Menard, the self-styled "General Secretary" of the supposedly independent non-governmental group. RSF is anything but unbiased however and receives its funding from a variety of government sources including the US State Department and Ronald Reagan's National Endowment for "Democracy" , whose officers read like a who's who of neoconservatism and include nearly all of the signers of the " roject for a new American Century." RSF was banned by the United Nations in 2003 and kept away from its sessions on "human rights" because of its political activities. Through its financial contributer, TECRO (Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office), RSF is organizing a boycott of the Beijing Olympics. RSF is a font of anti-China news stories of dubious credibility.
谁雇佣"民运"? NED of USA
China Digital Times
A news aggregator in blog format that is part of the Berkeley China Initiative at the University of California, Berkeley, the brain child of resident China expert Orville Schell. The news is from the usual sources — the New York Times, Voice of America, Daily Telegraph, AP, Reuters, etc., hence biased against the Chinese government. Moreover, Chief Editor Xiao Qiang was formerly director of New York City based Human Rights In China group, a high profile successful fundraiser for programs harshly critical of China and a recurrent recipient of large grants of USA federal government money via the National Endowment for "Democracy" (NED).
USA, Stop selling extremism
USA, Stop making civil war
USA, Stop provoking ethnic conflict |