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发表于 2005-10-20 11:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

送交者: 慧惠 2005年10月19日15:21:37 于 [新大陆]http://www.bbsland.com

作者: 黯然
1998年一个阳光明媚的下午, 我第一次踏上温哥华的土地, 立刻从心里
爱上了这个干净美丽的城市, 也爱上了加拿大尊重人/爱护人的友好的社会气氛,
在友人面前总是对加拿大赞美不已。 可现在, 面对着病床上被加拿大医疗体
系拖到生死边缘的丈夫, 我陡然失去了在加拿大生活的所有兴趣和信心。
如果连生命都得不到尊重和爱护, 其它的社会服务又有什么人文可言?
如果一个医疗体系连最初级的诊治都不能保证, 那我们的健康和生命能依赖什么的呢?


2004年10月, 我丈夫到家庭医生那儿验血, 查出是乙肝病毒携带者,

2005年1月, 我丈夫因咳嗽到家庭医生处看病。医生让他做了一系列的
血液化验。 化验后, 医生告诉我丈夫他的肝可能有问题, 需做进一步检查。
于是让我丈夫做了B超检查. 做完B超后, 我丈夫就一直没接到医生的电话,
因此便认为是检查结果显示没问题, 就把这事放一边了;4月份,
我丈夫因咳嗽还是没好, 再次去看家庭医生。家庭医生一看他上次的
检查报告(他这时候才看?!), 立即意识到问题的严重性, 再次让我丈夫
去验血和做B超。 结果B超显示我丈夫肝内肿瘤已有10 CM 大,
家庭医生马上把我丈夫转给一位消化道的专科医生. 专科医生给我丈夫
做了CT和其它检查后, 确诊为肝癌, 属晚期!!

消化道专家把我丈夫转给外科手术医生, 医生决定给我丈夫做肝切除手术。

排队等手术, 一直等到5月14日。 手术后, 活体检查发现有肝内转移。

5月27日, 手术医生说要把我丈夫转到BC 癌症中心的专家那儿治疗,
让我们等癌症中心的约见通知。我们等啊等, 不停地打电话催问,
甚至亲自到癌症中心催问。 在没有任何治疗的度日如年的情
况下, 等到7月8日才见到专家。 专家要再次给我丈夫做验血和CT后
才确定治疗方案。 在我们亲自上门催促下, CT 排到7月22日做。
等7月28日再见到专家时, 得知肝内转移的癌细胞已长成数个小肿

瘤!! 专家说要进行介入治疗, 但因为他要休假, 估计治疗要安排在
8月底, 9月初!
拖…拖…拖!!! 我们在焦急如焚的心情中看到的都是无处不在的拖延,
但病情不等人啊! 无奈之下, 我们只好弃加拿大而转求中国的医院。
中国的医生看完我丈夫的报告后, 在感慨加拿大医生的无知与治疗不力之余,

8月7日, 我丈夫到达上海. 8月9日, 我丈夫住院检查. 8月25日我丈夫做了
肝移植手术. 目前, 我丈夫还在努力防排异/防复发/防转移,

每个月的药费和检查费高达三万人民币, MSP 是一点都不给报销的。
我们的两个孩子一个有三岁大, 另一个才三个月大,而我

回首这噩梦般的几个月, 咨询了加拿大和中国的医生后, 我们认为

1.家庭医生是难以原谅的, 原因是:

治疗和忠告。 而加拿大的专家告诉我们,凡乙肝带菌者应该服药使病毒
在1 月份我丈夫的血液化验结果中, 肝功能正常, 但AFP
(肝癌特有的一个血液指标) 已达274, 而正常人的应小于20。
中国的医生说凭这个就可以断定有肿瘤, 但家庭医生不仅没有这种知识, 而
且不对我们说明化验的情况, 也不把我们转给专家, 只是让我丈夫做B超,
而B超没看出肿瘤后, 家庭医生没有接着联系我们, 安排我们做进一步的检查
(如CT), 而是把此事搁置一边。
三个月的时间, 我丈夫的AFP值从274上升到34,000. 肿瘤从B超看不到长到
了10 CM 大,而且有了肝内扩散! 如果1月份能发现肿瘤做肝切除,治愈率

2. 加拿大医疗资源紧张, 使我丈夫的病拖延至此.

在加拿大, 很多费用略高的检查手段是非常难预约上的, 比如CT扫描.
如果我丈夫一月份是做CT 而不是B超, 肿瘤早就被看出来了.
手术时间和专家诊治时间的拖延已是老生常谈, 但切身地把生命放进
去拖, 岂是心焦心痛这样的语言可以描述? 我丈夫手术后等专家约见的

今天, 我把这个进行时的事情写出来, 有几个目的:

1.谁能告诉我, 我可不可以去告那个家庭医生? 怎么告? 我不希望这种没
有足够医疗知识和责任心的人接着行医, 他还会害了其他人的。

2.我希望与竞选省政府议员的有关党派进行联系, 希望我们的故事,
我们的泪能推动医疗制度的改革。 3.我想提醒所有乙肝带菌者, 一定要定期检查, 一定要治疗乙肝!
我也想提醒每一个去看家庭医生的人, 不要完全相信你的家庭医生,
每次化验或检查后, 要再见家庭医生一次, 自己看一看自己的
化验或检查结果, 上面会有正常值供你比较的。 切切! 祝愿每一个人,包括我丈夫,健康长寿!
发表于 2005-10-20 11:43 | 只看该作者
原帖写得很好, 也很让人伤心.
加拿大的医疗保健体系的确是效率较低, 资源分配也不合理, 浪费还很严重.
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发表于 2005-10-21 04:08 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2005-10-26 23:02 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2005-10-27 12:28 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2005-10-27 17:22 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2005-10-27 23:06 | 只看该作者

READ THIS: 感叹加拿大的医疗系统和水平zt

                         Medical Error & Discrimination
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发表于 2005-10-27 23:15 | 只看该作者
Too bad, sinoquebec deleted my posts mentioned below...
Post by peterpan1668

READ THIS: 感叹加拿大的医疗系统和水平zt

              Medical Error & Discrimination
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发表于 2005-10-27 23:17 | 只看该作者

About medical treatment I received from doctor

According article 7 law of protection of persons mental health present danger for themselves or others, the hospital can put patient in preventive confinement for a period not exceeding 72 hours, after which it is illegal detention.  I went to the hospital, was transferred to the psychiatry department, where I refused to stay.  I came on June 11, and received my request to appear in Court on June 17 p.m. (to appear in Court the following day).  They kept me illegally for more than 72 hours.     In the request (to appear in court), it was written to contact the hospital’s lawyer if I wanted to contest confinement, so I tried to reach the hospital’s lawyer. I was not informed of my right to contact a lawyer, I was not informed that there was procedures for confinement, as specifies article 17 of the latter law.

     Doctor Eric Davis told me very clearly to take anti-depressant medication, otherwise might keep me in the mental institution forever. And he forced me to take medication otherwise he will get court order for treatment. And he also told my wife and my eldest daughter that if want Mr. Pan back to home, then tell him to take the medication. Consent should be free according Article 9 of Act of Social and Health services specifies that no one can be submitted to treatment without his consent; Code of ethics of physician that specifies that dr. has to respect the free choice of his patients.

     Inn UTT, I was practicing Chinese meditation, and the man-nurse went over to me told me that I have to take anti-depressant medication either by myself or by force. During the time, all the patients in UTT told the nurse station since I was just practicing meditation, and nothing emergency situation to justify forced injection, and as I tried to tell them I didn’t want to take medication – which is my right (c.f. consent to treatment), but UTT called 12 men to locked on the bed for 5 hours for force injection.

     In Emergency, doctor Ja Ja didn’t respect the fact and just believe the whole thing I was invented by myself (I was defrauded by disbarred lawyer Enza Martuccilli and recently defrauded by Bank of Montreal), also didn’t respect my new marriage since I married with a young woman.  I believe that the doctor did not act in a respectful way, but in a judgmental way, towards me and my family, by denying my financial and legal problems (article 3.03.01 Code of ethics of physician).

     At Emergency, I was be told once they transfer me to Mental Institution, in the same time doctor Davis and hospital social worker will come to see me, but no one once I was transferred to 4 East. When I made a request, doctor Davis came to see me next day and he told me that I better not accused hospital and he told me that locked me in based on my social worker words “Mr. Pan wants to kill himself’.

     I tried to let him to understand this was a mistake, and I told him better to let me back to home since my family needs me with different issues: The problems with bank of Montreal since CTV News already involved and I don’t want to lost this opportunity, my wife just new arrived with no any relatives and friends, my baby wants me very badly, lock me in will create another crisis for my family since everyone in the family emotionally very weak since we couldn’t get support from no where, at least we could support each other.

     I request doctor Davis at least I should have social service for my family. But when doctor Davis heard my baby fail down two times, he called Sun Youth Children Protection try to took my baby away from my family; further more, with the pressure put on me to have anti-depressant treatment otherwise might keep me in forever (the pressure got from doctors, nurses and hospital social worker) caused my whole family members went to night miry especially my wife.

     I request since I already in hospital, I want have physical doctor to look at especially with my testis cells add since it getting bigger; I only received when I almost released since I made many requests and also by written. At High care, Hospital didn’t arrow me to use Chinese acupressure which was the first medical tolls I got controlled for the depression and side effects from anti depressant treatment.

     Hospital every one denies the fact of Asian traditional medical treatment cure my illness and side effects, even I told them how is important for me to keep reproduce system function since my whole big family needs to continue family generation because we have no boy yet especially I just remarried; they still continually put pressure on me to have anti depressant treatment.

     From 4 East to UTT and High Care, hospital cut down the family visit time and doctor Davis called security man forced my family out during the visit time; and doctor Davis put an order to cut down the phone call time (one shift three time call within 10 minutes including conversation with my lawyer) to take away the only one thing left me by phone to support my family. And I never had any chances to exercise my legal rights in the hospital (I released because of my daughter did work to find a support from out side of Hospital).

   The Ombudsman in the hospital also didn’t help me even the Professional Services department as well. My daughter paid urgent release fees $25 dollars to get my medical record complete file when I was just locked in, but over months we never able to get it and I have to ask Legal Aid lawyer to release it for me.
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发表于 2005-10-27 23:22 | 只看该作者

Anti-depression Medical Treatment Received From Montreal Jewish General Hospit

I was on anti-depression medical treatment from 1997 up to 2000 by Montreal Jewish General Hospital Mantel Institution. The medical treatment I received even made me worse than before. And I lost able to work that I have to rely on social welfare to survive.

       The side effects I got it made me lost sexual functional then after I got sense add with my testis; end of 1997 when I was discharged from hospital, I was worse than before—my movement like old age people, my mind can't function well; I couldn't concentrate to do anything...

       I went back to learn more about side effects, doctor Davis told me that the hospital used the anti-depression treatment for me is very advanced without no side effects show. With continually medical treatment, I was suffered and my doctor Davis changed three times of the inscription of medication try to adjust unfortunately didn't work out.

       Start 1998, I try to find a job to quite welfare support to live as a normal life, with the concentration problem and slow movement, I was always failed even with a simple job; and I have to quite French class and stop my English tutoring class with the same reason.

       With the changing of anti-depression medicine, the side effects even showing more stronger, and I have to went back to hospital emergency to waiting minimum 6 hours just to have a short to stop the suffering of the side effects since it made me lost hope to continue my life...

       Since end of 1998, I became sleepless (everyday less a hour) and I have to back to the emergency to have a short from two months once, then one month once; two weeks once became once week once, twice... I don't know what to do with this anymore, my family relative and friends all lost a hope thought I would live like this forever.

       I was lucky to have a sister who is Chinese doctor. With her help, I found Asian traditional medical treatment that I almost get out from depression and side effects. The reason why I was unable to cure complete because the law of Welfare system that I have to return back from Thailand and China for the medical treatment.

       Even that, I am already feel much better since I stop to take anti-depression medication and I learned how to use acupressure, magnetism water and Chinese meditation to continually healing my illness and side effects that I was preparing back to work.

       Since I was under bankruptcy protection, my daughter took her education found to let me get remarry and try to start a family business to live by our own without welfare support, but things didn't work out since we got fraud again by Bank of Montreal.

       I was lucky to get remarried during the first treatment I received in Thailand--today my new wife join with us living together as a family class immigrant and we also have a little baby girl who is already a Canadian citizen.

       With a new hope, I found a program SAJE and I made a business plan try to start all over again to have a simple warm family life. Unfortunately SAJE didn't accept my project that I have to redo again. And with financial reason, we unable to exercise our legal rights with Bank of Montreal...

       With all the unfair I had passed through 7 years once my late wife death that I am involved with all kind of legal problems since MUC police just used me then left me in the darkness, with the negligent, discrimination and unrespectable of my legal rights, my family and I have to facing all kind difficulties without ending...

       I still try to work out with all kind difficulties to quite welfare and live as a normal life as the others, but the last hope I was putting on with my deputy and CLSC social service, the result told me it was my other dreaming.

       I put back a hope from hospital again my doctor again since at Metal Institution it provides different services at least have some one would listen to me to make me fell better. I was regretted since with the wrong impression my doctor received from my social worker, he believed I was in danger with my self and the others; by force, I was in hospital Adult Mental Institution for closing medical treatment and confinement.

       No matter how much my family and I tried to let they understand this was a mistaking since I just looking for social support, it was not looking for hospitalize. With the Mental Institution, except general helpers who believe this is medical error, no one else. With discriminations of my remarriage and Asian traditional medical treatment I received especially of the fact is proving western depression treatment failed, doctor was so mad since I stop to take western medical treatment instead I am continually using Asian traditional.

       During I was in the Metal Institution until my lawyer released me on June 28, 2002, I was suffered by the way de treated: Without respect, instead provide social service to my family since doctor put me inclosing treatment, with my request, doctor called Sun Youth Children Protection try to take away our baby; furthermore, doctor put me UTT and claiming this is better place for me to stay.

       With the first medical treatment I received in 1997 and follow by this medical error, no one from the hospital tells me about my legal rights and how do I excising my legal rights. Without respect my decision freedom choice of medication especially with my Chinese meditation practicing, UTT forced me to receive anti-injection and they were claiming Asian traditional medical treatment doesn’t work, that’s why I was here that they locked me on the bed more than 5 hour even I didn’t against physically to receive anti-depression injection.

       With my complaint of the way treat that doctor promised me once I am in Mental Institution, I would get social service in the hospital and I should see doctor in the same date. But once they put me in 4 East, no one comes to see me even with my requests, and with my basically request to see a physical doctor regarding the side effects and other physical health problems that no one cares.

       I try to find a way to learn what are my legal rights since I believe this is a medical error. But it was impossible since Mental Institution never let me instead they even cut phone line to stop I have a phone conversation with my lawyer. Once more, when I found out my legal rights and I want contest the medical error, doctor pretended there was no legal action against me. But the day before the court hearing, my lawyer found out, then doctor told me according my present health condition, it’s not good idea to let me appear at the court.

       I disagreed and I try to learn more about how to protect and exercise my legal rights, but it was impossible. I left messages on hospital lawyer answering machine to confirm I want contest to appear in the court. With doctor request any complaints I should drop down by written, but it never responded with my any letters. Furthermore, the date of before my hearing time, doctor refused my request instead they disconnected phone line till passed hour of my hearing time.

       Once more, doctor made an order only I could access phone three times per shift with in 10 minutes including the phone call with my lawyer. And they don’t care the family crisis since they put me in hospital especially my wife just new arrived without any relative and friend that everyone were so scared I will on anti-depression treatment again and just one injection I received I suffered with side effects brought back everyone to the past the way they saw me…

       That was the only support I could provide to my family with phone conversation took away from me since we never get any support from social service either by hospital nor CLSC that was the only way I was supporting them through by talk on the phone. Furthermore, doctor threaten me with get order for force injection, and doctor and social worker from the hospital were accusing me I made phone harassment to hospital lawyer and Ombudsman of Hospital…

       The fact is: I called hospital lawyer to exercise my legal rights, left 4 messages of request to join the hearing to appear that was never responded; I call Ombudsman of hospital, the lady promised me to leave my name then she will call me back, instead High Care was accusing me of I insulted that lady more than 6 times… That the complaint we dropped—by my family and myself, up to today, no any respond.

       Furthermore, before the court time, I was just have a phone conversation with Administratif du Quebec to find away how could I protect and exercise my legal rights with the unrespectable, not humanly treatment I was facing too, with doctor order, High Care disconnect the phone line with the reason of I was to exciting. Doctor insulted my family and me.

       Doctor told me the reason put in closing medical treatment and confinement because I was too active, overreacting, delusional. They thought all the legal and financial problems and all the difficulties I facing to, they believe that was just my imagination especially the fraud we recently got from Bank of Montreal; even my daughter brought all the proofs want doctor to look at all I said is real, but no doctor pay attention on it, instead they just do what they like to do.

       With my complaint of force injection, doctor put me in High Care and claiming that is quite place better for me to stay. From 4 East to UTT, they ask security men forced my family leave to stop they visiting me; from UTT transferred me to High Care, they cut the family visiting and phone conversation time try to let me get back on anti-depression treatment. Many times they mentioned to me or I accept to take medication, otherwise I might stay Metal Institution forever.

       Metal Institution also tries to make a deal with me if I start take medication, sooner they will let me go home to join with my family. With the court hearing, doctor has nothing to against me, doctor even used my baby to against me with an excuses that I was play with my baby too hard and they worry I could hurt my baby; the judge was wondering why I didn’t showing at the court? The explanation was hospital unable to bring me to the court since they believe even with two nurses as my guardians that they still unable to guarantee if I would harming the others or myself.

       Furthermore, when I got a my court date to against hospital decision, and I made a request to have a look about my medical file before the court date, doctor refused with the reason of my health condition better do not look at in this time. Hospital abused my legal rights, discriminated of my marriage and Asian traditional medical treatment; and they didn’t respect about Chinese culture continually force me to take medication. They are not against me personal, they against is the different culture.

     The conclusion of the felling about me from doctor that they wrote on my medical record: verbally aggressive, too active and delusional, but they never realised how they be treated me in the Metal Institution, and they even don’t allow me to use acupressure and meditation to improving my health. With the court hearing, the judges wondered why hospital and doctor never mention how harmfully of the side effects I got and why never told the court about the real reason I was in the hospital?
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