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discounted lift tickets to Jay Peak (Vermont)

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发表于 2008-11-6 12:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Sorry for the SPAM, but my  dragonboat team, the Montreal DragonFly, is having a fundraiser to help pay for races in the  upcoming season.

We are selling discounted lift tickets to Jay Peak  (Vermont).

Retail price:

Adult:                $65CAD each

Junior (6-17):     $45CAD each

From  us:

Adult:                $50 each ($45 each if you buy 2 or  more)

Junior (6-17):     $38 each ($35 each if you buy 2 or  more)

These tickets have no blackout dates  so they can be used any time, even during Christmas holidays and spring  break.

They are valid from the start of the  season in December 2008 till the end of the season in April  2009.

For more information on the  Jay Peak mountain please see the below  link:


Let me know if you’d like to  purchase some! J

If you can pass the word around too,  this would be very much appreciated as these tickets are great gifts  idea!

please contact me: halizton@hotmail.com

发表于 2008-11-11 00:22 | 只看该作者
帮你顶一下, 价格不错。

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