I called the CLSC hot line on the southshore. A nurse taught me to make rice water to feed my baby. ( 450 ) 445-4452
Add some rice in boiling water for 5 minutes -> add a pinch of salt & a small amount of sugar -> filter the content, just give the rice water to your baby -> do not give your baby any milk until there' s no more loose stool . It works on my children!
The Pedialyte ( you can purchased it from the Pharmaprix ) costs about $10.00 a bottle also help to maintain the pH balance and prevent further dehydration of your baby.
If you see signs of dehydration ( sunken eyes, less/ no wet diapers ) , you have to take your baby to hospital for intravenous infusion.
In the mean time, try to give your baby glucose water 30 ml every hour/ every 2 hours to maintain fluid balance. That's very important!