我把给宝宝买的pampers袋子上的号码都输入pampers网站上了,一共集了50多点,于是就用50点redeem了shutterfly网上的免费宝宝照片打印,也收到了pampers 网站的email, 如下:
Thank you for selecting Shutterfly through the Pampers(R) "Gifts to Grow" rewards program. To begin the process of sharing the joy of your adorable baby, your Shutterfly Prints Package: 25 4x6, 2 5x7 & 1 8x10 prints can be activated by following this link http://www.shutterfly.com and entering the promotion code。
Post by similac;2170968
我买过,你要在shutterfly继续执行购买程序到billing那个环节,那里就有让你输入promotion code的地方,这样你就只需要支付0元了。不过这个寄到你家需要差不多1个月的时间,效率奇慢无比。还不晓得如何操作的话,你PM电话给我,我电话告诉你。