Seemly you have the responsibility, but you may negotiate with your landlord if there are some damages remain from the past which is not your responsible. To gett a fair repair price, you may call some repair company to have a free estimate quotation.
5 E) v& W% s* {. h8 X- k3 a }8 p
7 Q( ~% t$ {, x9 lYou may also call Housing 24-hour hot-line:
' H/ j c1 w4 f8 F e8 kYMCA - Downtown Montreal - (514) 849-5331. ... Landlords and Tenants. Housing Hotline - 488-0412 or 990-0190. Legal. ... McGill Legal Information Clinic - 398-6792. ... - L# F! G8 D$ b8 F
1 M t: Q) C( N! S) X
Here is another web might helpful too:3 n* u* i2 ?6 w; h( J* |/ g) A
& w7 ]9 c& p# z0 m" g+ ^1 A
CSU Off-Campus Housing & Job Bank <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=j>[size=-1]... rdl.gouv.qc.ca Arnold Bennett's Housing Hotline: (514 ... from 11am to 1pm at the downtown YMCA, in room ... Concordia Legal Information Services: Open Mondays 4:00pm-8 ... / X6 A8 ?4 Q4 d$ c4 ]. D* _9 g
3 p- {* e# B8 s% j
9 N/ ~- d7 o3 p8 M! p6 H
$ K ]# A- F* M5 b! `Information Referral Centre Great of Montreal 527 1375
3 ^2 d4 [, k$ E9 [/ ^3 M, _" o8 F: @# |1 [
如诸位作了以上努力后仍无法解决,本人非常愿意和诸位探讨是否尚有其它途径。本人电话:514 524-0780, E-mail: peterpan1668@yahoo.ca
! F; {) q4 f* I. c' m9 @
8 [5 [8 t% x6 G% S: s. `7 a6 [[size=-1]Keep this link for your future needs: # W2 l4 I6 u& Y: U$ }8 r; i; D
[size=-1]USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR QUEBEC-CHINESE ( 1 2 ) ' K7 ~$ I% y. ~! w, O! K4 L
peterpan1668 , D$ e% ^5 F9 ]( E1 z0 m# H
* P: b: w+ H/ { @# @& l3 C
7 m5 I0 K$ Z. {% {& c3 _# Z</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Post by 111103 * x: s% W4 Q9 w; `6 ]; `! {
& i4 o3 s1 R) [请教热心人或曾遇到这样事情的朋友:虽然是我疏忽了,但我需要付房东的维修费用吗?象这样的情况怎么裁定他要我付的费用和我的疏忽造成的损失(好象楼下住户没有什么损失成比例呢,如果他本来就有裂缝,没及时修补,现在大修一番,所有的维修费都要我支付,这合理吗?我该怎么办?2 z- F+ e+ [9 Y. {* J
在此多谢! |