Here Comes the Fun Spoiler:
请问Lz 有沒有算过他做这隻鸭子付了多少代价?
鸭子一隻, (Utility Grade) $10 (渥太毕大統华本週特价)
专门买了一个椭圆形的Oval Pan $15 (Canadian Tire Special this week, Reg $40)
Beer can Chicken Roaster $10 (from Canadian Tire)
Spices etc. $ ?
电或煤汽 $ ?
total $35 +
等了两天後还要在超过30度的天气下在厨房等两个多小时才有得食.(Mr.MP 说太熱他不洗碗)
Reminder to all: 在家里烤鸭,可能会造成 满房子油烟,这一点也不好玩!
(Years ago, that's what happened to my Duck a l'orange :p)
Post by 121606;2620477
***这是说笑, 请不要認真!****
Here Comes the Fun Spoiler:
请问Lz 有沒有算过他做这隻鸭子付了多少代价?
鸭子一隻, (Utility Grade) $10 (渥太毕大統华本週特价)
专门买了一个椭圆形的Oval Pan $15 (Canadian Tire Special this week, Reg $40)
Beer can Chicken Roaster $10 (from Canadian Tire)
Spices etc. $ ?
电或煤汽 $ ?
total $35 +
等了两天後还要在超过30度的天气下在厨房等两个多小时才有得食.(Mr.MP 说太熱他不洗碗)