According to section 34(4) of the copyright act, specific penalties will be decided by the court. Section 35(1) states that an infringer is liable for the financial gain made through infringement, and "such damages to the owner of the copyright as the owner has suffered due to the infringement"
A copyright holder can instead elect to protect his/her copyright under section 38, which allows for "a sum of not less than $500 or more than $20,000 as the court considers just."
[URL="https://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/#cite_note-act-2"][/URL]There are three categories of remedies to copyright infringement. They are Border, Civil, and Criminal. Border enables Customs to detain infringing materials at the border. Civil allows the copyright holder to take direct action against a person or company who violates his or her rights. Criminal is used when it is too costly to sue or to stop or try to dissuade people from committing the act again. |