我问过CA, 买房的费用是不能抵租金收入的, 需要放入capital里面(与房产总值加在一起, 可以算折旧), 只有买之后的相关费用: 利息, 地税, 维修保养, 广告费, 电费等可以抵租金收入.
另外, 从什么时候开始出租无所谓, 因为招租也会需要一段时间. 去年就算是租金零, 你也可以把空房时段的利息, 地税等费用算做去年的rental loss, 抵消你的其他收入.
至于你是不是可以claim HBC, 我觉得是可以的, 因为你符合条件. 你可以买一个home, 然后出租给别人吧? 当然我不是很肯定这个跟出租是不是矛盾. 我觉得如果你报HBC就不要报去年的rental loss.
You can claim an amount of $5,000 for the purchase of a qualifying home made in 2011, if both of the following apply:
- You or your spouse or common-law partner acquired a qualifying home.
- You did not live in another home owned by you or your spouse or common-law partner in the year of acquisition or in any of the four preceding years (first-time home buyer).