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发表于 2012-8-22 09:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1.       Identify which law and government organization needs to be consulted.
The law is the Employment Insurance Act and the government organization is the Human Resource Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
2.       The employment insurable earning is maxed out at $4590 per annum and is paid out at a 55% rate. Therefore, xxxxx will receive ($45900/52 weeks)=$882.69, she can receive only 55% of her weekly insurable earnings, $485.48.
3.       What are the procedures that are required to be taken by xxxxx to receive benefits?
The procedures are she must apply as soon as possible for employment insurance benefits even if she doesn’t receive a copy of the Record of Employment (ROE) form, apply at a Service Canada office or by the internet.
4.       The deadline to file a ROE form is 5 calendar days after the first day of an interruption of earnings (last day worked) for paper filing.
5.       http://www.revenuquebec.ca/en/entreprise/retenues/methode_calcul/finance.aspx CNT   18720+18980+23400+80400+78000+53300+46800=158400 over=132000 cnt=234.56
6.       Is there a law that would grant xxxxx a right to receive benefits during the time he misses from work? Explain.   
Yes , the Employment Insurance Act provides for accident, sickness and injury that pertain to occurrence outside the workplace.
7.       Is there a government organization that he can request financial compensation while being out of work?
Human Resources Skills Development Canada
8.       www.servicecanada.gc.ca
9.       How long would he receive benefit for?
The maximum benefits he can receive is up to 15 weeks.
10.   Is there a waiting time before he collects any benefits? Explain.
Yes, there is a two weeks waiting time which is the deductible.
11.   Is his employer required to fill out a form? Explain if there is a form to fill out by his employer is there a deadline to filling this form?
His employer must fill out the Record of Employment (ROE) form. The deadline is 5 calendar days for a paper return from the last day the employee worked. If the employer is filling an electronic return the deadline is 5 calendar days from the final pay period ending date.
12.   If xxxxx was injured at work what law would pertain to the accident?
If xxxxx was injured at work he would be covered by the CSST the Commission de la santé et de la securite du travail.
13.   What government agency would apply for a work related injury?
The law related to work accidents pertains to the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational disease.
14.   What is the employer required to do when an accident at work takes place. Name the 4 items.
His employer is required to provide 1) first aid if necessary, 2) employer must make an investigation on the accident to prevent similar accidents, 3) notify the CSST in the event of a death or property damage over $50000, 4) record the accident in a register and have the employee sign it.
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