1. 发动机四个火花塞中有一个的附近有油滓,据说是gasket worn, 是否要马上修。等到冬天做engine tune up 时修行不行, 我已开了1000多公里,未见异常。
Head gasket broken. tune up cannot solve the problem, engine will eventually die. Prepare $500~700 for this job. But before it dies, you can still drive lot.
2. 刚买来时车,coolant container 几乎见底,但radiator中尚满,加coolant到MAX线,开了一会再看,少了许多。之后基本就稳定在一个位置。一般是车冷时少一些,刚开完看时 多一些。反正都不到MAX线,是否正常。地下看不到漏的痕迹。是否要加到MAX线。
Normal, but minor leaks thru head gasket. Add coolant regularly.
Yes, only difference is either summer or winter. Find the white plastic container and fill until full. |