In addition to your friend's suggestion, you can use a vacuum with large power and vacuum your house as often as possible, e.g two times a week, and keep it as long as possible, e.g. a year or two, including every space in your house. Throw away your waste in the vacuum immediately and clean your vacuum with hot water. This bug can't survive high temperature. It should help./ |1 c' S. r% f" J/ t
. N9 d. y& s! X/ {2 l; EPost by tom206;3223105
% ]1 k6 H. k: a! @( }6 b( W 大约两周前开始发现身上起了很多包,有大有小,开始以为是过敏,但是后来又有新的包出现,而且很痒。然后就发现了两只虫,都是绿豆大小、通体褐色。一只是圆圆扁扁的,一只稍长。问了有过床虫困扰的朋友,说就是床虫。建议我用肥皂水喷遍屋子,但同时也说没有很好的根除办法。
* l O5 n" @$ z# E# D: n现在问题刚刚被发现,迫切希望朋友们给以帮助,以免形成更大的麻烦。6 Y5 J( b# u# o* t* |! I
# d7 R8 }0 v3 I5 R2 Y6 Y& [4 a
谢谢大家!!! |