Your posting on 'Buy and Sell Forum' sinks too fast, copy it here.
Besides credit card record, u're 'SUPPOSED' to be able to check your Opus Card record on the STM website. I've never done that myself.
As for your case, if your accountant claimed $1300 as deductable, there's no point in buying receipts on the web, total amount doesn`t add up.
If it were me, I would just pay the bill CRA send and close this case. Make sure u have receipts for 2013 and report income tax properly next time.
Good luck!Post by qcsnowman;3275309
如果你每次用信用卡充值,你可以出示你过去一年的信用卡有关记录。 Post by 念经的人;3275231
地铁卡收据丢了,现在税局要查,地铁卡是注册过的,但是去地铁站问也不给 打单,看网上很多出售和求购地铁卡收据的,如果自己是注册过的卡,但买别人的单会被查出来吗? 别人用过的还可以用吗?收据有必要是没注册的卡吗,以防有冲突时被查出来。如果都不会有什么问题,求购一套2012年5-12月份的收据,一套5-10月 份的,学生票11 12月份。 万分感谢。 |