Irish Memorial on Grosse-Île (0.5 hour drive from Quebec City)(http://www.bonjourquebec.com/anglais/cms/products/1176832.html)
General information on region: http://www.bonjourquebec.com/anglais/regions/chaudiere_appalaches.html
Those have car(s) welcomed and can choose to camp or find hotel themself. Tentatively plan to car-pool(share expenses). Depending on # of people interested, may end up paying for tourist bus. (Those with car may want to visit Quebec city themself instead of the Islands, but must respect the car pool.)
eMail to : [email="venus_p_chan@yahoo.com"]venus_p_chan@yahoo.com[/email] (for now, please only eMail # of people going and total # of car seats, put info on subj. line please, e.g. 2g5s) for booking camping site. (to be announced)
Deadline: T.B.A. (1 week before deadline)
Would appreciate feedback(s) on following template(by 27 July), planning to post Excel file on this server when completed.
Subject: Camping at Grosse-Ile (去移民岛露营)
Date/time: Aug. 13/20 (Friday), 7:30 am (To be confirmed)
Location: China Town (1st stop) (e.g. 7:30 am) +
McDonald Parking Lot (2nd stop) (e.g. 8:00 am) at Cote Vertu.
Returning: Aug. 13/20 +1 (Saturday), ~5:00pm (arrival Montreal ~9:00pm)
Name: ?(1 name needed for group)
Contact phone#: ?(must provide)
Contact eMail: ?(must provide)
# of person go: ?
Have Car(# sits): Yes/No (4/7/?)
# of sits available: ? (e.g. car 5 seats, 2 going, 3 space available)
# of Driver Avail: ?
Bycle rack: Yes/No (2/3/4) + space available
Camping Gear:
Barbecue avail: Yes/No. (possible # of person to share with)
Camping Tent space available to share: ?
Sleeping Bag: please bring your own
Cooking stove: each group bring own. (or pack your own food)