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发表于 2010-11-9 11:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
在蒙城有很多不会说不会写并且还有不会看的很多朋友 都面临着入籍考试 但是由于语言的障碍学习起来却很难 同时面临着题目也是难上加难 有好多人都对这个试题没心理的准备 而且很胆怯
语言好的朋友可能不会理解到 本人想从即日起邀请各位好心人能把你们入籍笔试考完的试题真题回忆出来{能回忆多少是多少} 以便没有入籍的朋友语言不好的朋友能与过来人分享一下
发表于 2010-11-9 15:48 | 只看该作者


* Why do we pledge allegiance to Queen Elizabeth II as our Head of State?
          A: Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of Canada

    * How many members of the armed forces died to date?
    A: 110,000

    * What is the role of the Head of State and the Prime Minister?
          A: The Head of State is limited to the rules of the Constitution; while    the Prime Minister is the Head of the Government

    * What is the northeastern province in Canada and has its own time zone?
          A: Newfoundland & Labrador

    * Why is the fur trade important to our economy?
          A: The first companies established in Canada traded fur that's why we have the beaver as a national symbol.

:)苹果产品低价专卖:) (514) 826-9672 mtlcellphoner@gmail.com

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发表于 2010-11-9 20:44 | 只看该作者

请问入籍考试要求带的出生证明 ?国内翻译公正的可以吗?

请问入籍考试要求带的出生证明 ?国内翻译公正的可以吗? 哪位朋友知道啊, 谢谢!
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-10 18:22 | 只看该作者


1)    Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?
Sir John A. Macdonald

2)    Who are the 3 founding people of Canada?
Aboriginal, French and British

3)    Canada has three territories.  How many Provinces are in Canada?

4)    The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom starts with the words?
"Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognise the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law"

5)    What do we celebrate in Canada day?
Canada as a self-governing dominion
6)    A Member of Parliament from Montreal decided to spend the weekend in her electoral district. This means she will be?
In some part of Montreal were she was elected

7)    Which of the following best describes the role of the Queen?   
Focus of the citizenship and allegiance.

8)    What the Canadian Crown symbolizes?
Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy

9)    Under Canadian law, why everybody is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty?
To guarantee due process under the law

10) Who can run as a candidate in federal elections?
Any Canadian citizen 18 years old or older

11) Who can vote in federal elections?
Canadian citizen, 18 years old or older, on the voters list

12) What do you mark on the ballot card?
An “X” on the circle besides the candidate’s name

13) What does National Register of electors contain?
Canadian citizen, at least 18 years old able to vote in federal elections and referendums

14) What is the meaning of responsible government?
The government must resign if loses the confidence in the assembly vote.

15) What is the role of the opposition parties?
Peacefully oppose or try to improve government proposals

16) Whom the Victoria Cross honour is awarded to?
Conspicuous bravery or self sacrifice Canadians.

17) What Canadians remember on Remembrance Day?
The scarify of veterans and brave soldiers in the wars

18) Advantage of NAFTA agreement
Free trade between Canada, USA and Mexico

19) Which of the following are some of the Canadian rights?
Right to freedom of speech, religion, belief, etc

20) Which province is the largest producer of Oil and natural gas?

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发表于 2010-11-10 20:51 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2010-11-11 12:57 | 只看该作者
check this out

all questions are here.
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发表于 2010-11-13 10:36 | 只看该作者
Post by 00853;2728636
在蒙城有很多不会说不会写并且还有不会看的很多朋友 都面临着入籍考试 但是由于语言的障碍学习起来却很难 同时面临着题目也是难上加难 有好多人都对这个试题没心理的准备 而且很胆怯
语言好的朋友可能不会理解到 本人想从即日起邀请各位好心人能把你们入籍笔试考完的试题真题回忆出来{能回忆多少是多少} 以便没有入籍的朋友语言不好的朋友能与过来人分享一下
请问入籍考试都是选择题吗 ? 有没有笔答题 ? 谢谢 !
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发表于 2010-11-13 15:31 | 只看该作者



:)苹果产品低价专卖:) (514) 826-9672 mtlcellphoner@gmail.com

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发表于 2010-11-13 16:41 | 只看该作者
Post by cellphoner;2731985
谢谢这位朋友 !
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发表于 2010-11-15 00:32 | 只看该作者
万分感谢这些有心人 好人有好报
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