- Teaches rescuer how to recognize and treat life-threatening emergencies skills in CPR and relief of choking (foreign-body airway obstruction). 教授救援者如何識別和處理心肺復甦術中危及生命的緊急情況,以及解除窒息(異物氣道堵塞)。
- Course presentation includes information about the Canadian Heart and Stroke Association adult Chain of Survival and focuses on signs of heart attack, cardiac arrest, stroke and choking in adults and children and how to reduce risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and prevention of the most common fatal injuries in infants and children. 課程介紹包括加拿大心臟和中風協會救護信息,并關注成人和兒童心臟病發作,心臟驟停,中風和窒息的跡象,以及如何降低嬰孩猝死風險和預防嬰孩兒童致命傷。
The participant will practice basic techniques of adult and pediatric CPR and use of an AED. 學員將練習成人和兒童心肺復甦術及AED的使用方法
Date: Nov 24 (Saturday) 日期:11月24日 週六
Time: 9am to 1pm 時間:上午9點到下午1點
Place: Chinese Hospital’s Auditorium 地點:滿地可中華醫院禮堂
Course Length : 4 hours 課程時長:4小時
Languages: English 教學語言:英語
Fees: $45 學費:45加元
Note: Thiswould be a CPR couse with certification and card sent out to the participants after completion 請注意:該課程結束后將頒發證書給學員
Please contact Carol for registration: 報名請聯繫 Carol :
514 -629 -2828