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发表于 2007-2-6 21:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
他们家里有个小孩,天天搞出很多声音,象来回小跑,原地跳。最恐怖的是突然来一声巨响,估计是什么东西倒了,如椅子。今天又是一声巨响,实在是难以忍受。 以前倒是不太在意噪音,自从怀孕后就特别敏感。最近随着月数增大,心跳加速很多,所以很怕突然的巨响--人都会发抖。上楼和他们理论,居然他们先破口大 骂。实在是素质低。在这个冰天雪地的季节,也不想和他们argue或fight.随后和房东谈,并说要是解决不了,下个月就不交房租了。房东居然说我威胁 他。他说要是我威胁他,那下个月就是我走人,不是楼上那印巴人。郁闷!赶紧说了好话,说自己是情绪激动才那么说的。他说明天会和楼上谈,要是他们还不注 意,我可以告诉他,然后他让他们走人。不过我个人感觉估计不一定有效。另外,楼上在我跟他们交涉后,有意的弄出很多声音,持续不少时间。现在可能是累了, 或是房东已经和他们打过电话了。现在有个疑问,要是问题还是解决不了,我能叫police吗? 还是找房屋委员会的人?如果他们是有小孩需要保护的话,那 我觉得我也有正当理由需要保护:因为我是孕妇,而且老公不在身边。请大家出出主意,我该怎么办?
发表于 2007-2-7 20:07 | 只看该作者

Procedures to follow

The way you solve the problem is a Chinese way. Here is Canada. You should learn how to solve this kind of problem in Canadian way. My suggestions are as follows:

1. yes, you can call the police if the noise is continuous. Otherwise you have no proofs when police come.

2. When you have such a kind of problems, you should tell your landlord orally. If he/she cannot solve the problem, you can send your landlord a registered letter and address the problems you are having, and give him/her 10 days to fix the problem. If he/she cannot solve the problem within the time limit, you go to the rental board and complain, at the same time, you can also claim for rent deduction. You may use some devices to record the noise level as a proof.

3. Do not go to upstairs and directly talk to your neighbors. Do not be rude when talking to your landlord.

4. Good luck!
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-7 23:52 | 只看该作者
thanks for all the suggestion. Now I admitted that yesterday I was too emotional, maybe it was due to my 3rd trimester pregnancy condition. Actually, what I tried to solve the problem is really very Chinese way. I just want to communicate with them; I promise I was polite and calmly stating the fact that the sudden sound was not good and asked them just be careful about it. If it is a Chinese neighbour, I think it would not be a big problem. But the case here is not like what I supposed. My original thought is just to keep the problem at the minimum level as possible and I didn't want to bother the landlord if we can solve the problem ourselves. In fact, this problem can be big, can be small, just depends on the attitudes of the two sides. I made a mistake: I thought they are educated people and nice people just like me. It showed I was wrong. About the suggestion of calling Police, I thought in my case it is difficult because it is not that they turn on the TV or radio loudly or talk loudly after 11pm. They just suddenly made a sharp, loud sound, so I cannot easily find a witness for that: even my roommate and my neighbour at the same ground could not hear about it; it is only me who stay under their room can feel this terrible sound. Anyway, today I feel much better. After expressing my unhappiness at this site and talking the problem with my friends, I really feel I am not alone and some advice is really valuable, not only for me but also for someone else who suffers the same problem. BTW, like zyb123426, I am a full-time student with 30-hour course load per week and my due date is at my final exam period. I quite understand your situation. Through this thing, I conclude that sometimes we should not be too emotinal and it is much better to consult problems with experienced ones or at least your friends before doing any action. Do not do things the same way as me: being angry till shaking, crying, fast heart-beating, but making things worse.Especially for pregnant women, we should put our health and baby's health at the first priority: be happy and maintain a good mood is the most important thing at this moment.
thanks again for those people who gave me their opinions.
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发表于 2007-2-8 10:13 | 只看该作者
I have a colleague who came from middle east and who is having exactly the same problem as you.

The way he has been handling it, is exactly the same as you (though saying sth like "I'll not pay the rental fee" is just emotional and should be avoided)

It takes lots of time and effort and we have to try to stay calm. My colleague was very very upset and frustrated by the fact that he wasn't able to solve it quickly, but in my opinion, it's wrong to expect it to be resolved soon, it usually takes much longer when we would like it to be.

I don't think we're that different from other people, we're all human beings. But to understand the problem better, and to know what to expect, are the keys to solution / success / sanity You can only do what you do, and once you  have done what you can, have your peace of mind and wait to see what'll happen.
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发表于 2007-2-8 13:23 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-2-9 00:14 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-2-9 08:00 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-9 22:02 | 只看该作者

to hyouhaku

which region do u live? do we talk about the same guy/family?
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发表于 2007-2-10 14:36 | 只看该作者

同情你的遭遇, 其实是有办法解决的, 我朋友最近打赢了官司, 得到了赔偿, 这里是法制社会

[我朋友最近打赢了官司, 得到了赔偿, 这里是法制社会
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发表于 2007-2-10 16:15 | 只看该作者
Post by zwyw
which region do u live? do we talk about the same guy/family?
sorry kidding
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