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发表于 2008-8-8 20:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



另:<Devour the Earth> Narrated by Paul McCartney No one knows how or why, but some 4000 million years ago the planet earth came into being. In that time life has evolved on its surface and beneath in its waters and in its skies. And time is running out. Imagine the complete history of the world condensed into one year. A year which began on January the 1st. A few days later the first bacteria emerged. A miracle of evolution followed and every expanse of water, layer of mud and track of land is inhabited. Jelly fish and spiders didn't make an appearance till the beginning of November. The first ferns popped up on November 20th. About the same time as fish began inhabiting the waters, winged insects took to the air. A few days later from December 1st to the 15th, dinosaurs ruled unchallenged. At fifteen minutes to midnight on December 31st, human kind emerged. Just 2 seconds ago, the start of the industrial revolution, we began an onslaught on the earth which brought it to its knees.&laquo; http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=607304192837929712

3.The video that all meat-eaters should watch and every vegetarian should own, "Meet Your Meat," narrated by Alec Baldwin, covers each stage of life of animals raised for food. No PETA videos are copyrighted, so copy them for everyone you know.&laquo;
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