AsianRestudy(杂志为Library and Archives Canada正式注册的专为介绍亚洲文化、艺术、哲学、历史等方面的一类杂志。 现正在筹办一册专门介绍亚洲艺术 – 包括绘画、文学、舞蹈、雕塑等等。华人有着悠久的历史文化背景,本杂志社欢迎各位对此有兴趣的同仁、及对本民族文化艺术有足够自豪感的华人积极投稿。我们会接收对前人优秀的中文短篇作品、词赋、诗歌的评论和英文翻译投稿(与原文一起),对华人文化历史遗迹和艺术作品的照片(来源合法)或/及文字介绍。同时我们欢迎有多年艺术修养的国画艺术家投稿支持本杂志,让华人文化在海外绽放绚丽的光彩!非常感谢!中英文来稿都欢迎!英文最好! Asian culture hasplayed a very important role in the human history, and had made greatcontribution to the evolution of the civilization. However, there are many people who still have muchmisunderstanding about Asian culture, or simply don't take it as important asit should be, since the power of advanced technology has convinced many peopleof the leading position of the science-based western culture. The Asian culturehad its glorious history thousands years or centuries ago, but had been in itsdownturn for quite a while now. Isn't it the time to re-study it, and let itsbeauty shine again to the world?