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发表于 2003-9-21 20:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2004-10-27 08:47 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-10-27 12:58 | 只看该作者
2 a/ c% C. g! b5 w8 e! }: j- [
  M+ l' A7 K+ Q; i年薪六万元, 税2万多一点.
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发表于 2004-10-27 13:23 | 只看该作者


退休金是指你65岁退休之前从你工作收入中扣除的退休保险金(cpp 联邦退休计划,qpp 魁省退休计划)的总和作为本金,65岁以后安退休保险规定每月可支付你的钱。即65岁之前你从没工作过或你从没交过退休保险(cpp . Qpp),那你就没有退休金。退休金其实对任何一个在加拿大工作了40年年薪平均6万的人65岁退休后也就每月拿到200-400加元,因为退休金每月扣的很少,年薪6万的人每年交的退休金也就1000元,而退休金是你交保险的本金的利息,因此cpp Qpp 最终是很少的。其实40年顶多也就4万加元,而且一个人在年轻时大约10-20年的时间里很难争到年薪6万。
  n4 O  V5 \1 v3 a7 y所以加拿大政府为工作的人提供了一个优惠退休保险计划rrsp-储蓄保险计划,你的收入存的钱买这个rrsp每年可抵税,对收入高的人很有好处,避了高税率,退休后你每月取rrsp交的税就低了,rrsp本金和利息都是你自己的。cpp Qpp本金其实是保险公司的。因此每年买多少RRSP是有配额的联邦每年在你的税表通知单上通知你下一年你可以买的RRSP的数额。好像是你年净收入的近1/5(20%) 6万年薪保税时的净收入为5.8-5.9万。rrsp 为1万元的配额,如果你买来的这个RRSP报税时你的年薪6万的税收金额也就是4万5千左右,到时能退回近7000元的税。0 _# S7 h# X) h8 d2 M/ _- P

0 Q. S" z4 s: i4 G" r; H* f年薪6万的工资年净收入大约在4万-4.7万(指报完税后,包括退税(联邦,和魁省之和),退税约5000-7000,视你买的RRSP多少和你能得到的无返还信用额度数量而定)。
# n" x+ D8 d& U" u! C" x) f% B 2 ^) D: Y7 ~+ C% z
每月扣除税和各种保险月净收入为: 3300-3500加元(每月除了扣除税外,扣的其他费用也挺高,其中包括失业保险EI,医疗保险,牙齿保险
# l9 K+ d: Z% M' Z" D等)
' o) q3 s1 i, F& Y  _: C, _# O $ ^8 B& [. Z* s) Q+ D& n7 F
0 _  q- k' k- P' k5 l
3 d1 J6 t. u9 e$ A$ | 9 B* r( E) k5 A" j: L
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-27 14:49 | 只看该作者


谢谢您很详尽的回复。您很准确的理解了我的问题。其实,我们新移民想要拿到年新6 万并不容易,而中国移民除了关心养老以外,更注重眼前,因为眼前就有经济上的压力。看看6万尚且不能令人满意,不如及早作经商的思想准备。中国的移民和留学人员据统计才56万人,即使人人经商,也满足不了中国发展对外贸的需求。所以,呼吁同胞们从商。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-10-27 15:05 | 只看该作者
Post by 游鱼 7 g8 w$ r, o& v9 v% Z) ]
谢谢您很详尽的回复。您很准确的理解了我的问题。其实,我们新移民想要拿到年新6 万并不容易,而中国移民除了关心养老以外,更注重眼前,因为眼前就有经济上的压力。看看6万尚且不能令人满意,不如及早作经商的思想准备。中国的移民和留学人员据统计才56万人,即使人人经商,也满足不了中国发展对外贸的需求。所以,呼吁同胞们从商。

, V9 S3 I! y0 W/ Q老兄,如果平均每年有4万块以上的净收入(指年薪6万的人)可以过得很不错了,这里的物价其实并不比国内高(综合考虑房价,医疗,汽车,教育等).你想想多少移民找不到工作只好靠每月4,5百的bursary,不也一样生活吗?如果加拿大现在就允许大家领每个月900的养老金,估计很多人就一辈子也不工作了.另外经商一要有本钱,二要有做生意的头脑和关系网络,很多人经商最后连本钱都陪进去的.' l' v# T$ E7 N, R* |" u

* j2 V. {( W0 r当然人和人的想法不一样,以上就算是我的个人观点,供大家参考.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-10-27 15:18 | 只看该作者
Comparison for your reference:
8 z' y, m; H2 S. y9 M/ p
$ v+ P8 @9 d: tCAD 20K/year=RMB1000/month9 J* Y- L  F( ~, \* c8 ~
CAD 30K/year=RMB2000/month
4 r9 R5 T9 t6 Q" J7 {2 Z: ]CAD 40K/year=RMB4000/month1 R) _( H4 o/ {5 C. W" `
CAD 50K/year=RMB8000/month
+ P2 b- V8 `4 o7 }: ICAD 60K/year=RMB10000/month1 l- {6 J- B" v
CAD 70K/year=RMB15000/month
* l* U0 k+ f# C+ e# c# yCAD 80K/year=RMB20000/month4 [& q8 |. b6 x
CAD100K/year=RMB40000/month$ U" K+ V' C( Q$ r( g0 j$ h

/ c, A* e# U5 s* {5 l7 g9 T7 R. BThat is basically how i see the salary level here in montreal comparing to big cities in china. Also that is an index which you can judge how easy or difficult it might be for a new immigrant to earn 60K, haha.
, y5 a( P$ U# m' n- S
4 Z2 s& K8 a& x2 x0 c, LAnother simple formula to estimate your after-tax salary is X0K/year=X/20*110%/month, of course not applicable for low-income.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-10-27 15:21 | 只看该作者
for business, most immigrates don't have enough money to start, even if some have, 90% of them are not suitable to work as a real businessman.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-10-27 20:41 | 只看该作者
Post by bokai ( f6 S. W2 ?3 Z1 k
每月扣除税和各种保险月净收入为: 3300-3500加元(每月除了扣除税外,扣的其他费用也挺高,其中包括失业保险EI,医疗保险,牙齿保险等)  
Some single friends of mine make around that amount, believe u will only get may be around $3100 per month before company pension and 牙齿保险.6 H2 f- G7 O/ T- `/ f
( g, b5 z  q8 n4 p2 ~+ p
When u reach that level of income, chances are there is company pension, your "quota" for RRSP is reduced tremendously. If u leave the company before retirement, u will find the so called company pension actual amount extremely low. Double check and opt out if it is allowed, most companies do not allow though.
( h+ ?2 U0 y) k! Z5 I2 h
Post by toto_toto
5 b6 t0 U1 a3 Y0 d 每个月900的养老金,估计很多人就一辈子也不工作了  
Sounds good to me too, but wonder where the money come from? * D$ Y4 W, @- ?0 T; F; J9 t

5 g: G# q. G/ a; j) I6 R% WWhat's gonna happen when all the baby boomers go into retirement 10 years from now.  Wake up!!!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-10-27 23:35 | 只看该作者
So, what's your conclusion? Maybe I am stupid, but I am really confused what opinion you wanna express. We are just talking about the net income after tax and the living stardard based on that.   {. Z# Q' ~' [5 ~. ?( Q

% M; O2 G) F1 Z2 kI really find it is irrelevent when you talk about RRSP and pension. As far as I know, if your use enough strategies such as RRSP and your gross income is around 60k/year, you might take home 40k/year even if you are single.
& B& ]8 Z5 X+ X6 {$ X: y / [. r, H: `# r3 b' Y' v. H* Z
Also, I don't think Canada's welfare system will corrupt so easily, for it has run successfully for several decades. Moreover, it is not an issue that we can take any action and we can only rely on the government. Actually I am still a student, and I am simply satisified with current system. Maybe there is only one thing to complain that it is so difficult to find a job for new immigrants. Maybe after those baby boomers retire, there will be more openings, I wish.
" x* t1 a- Y( k. q- V, X , g0 l2 }# D# r! a* {7 E# A
Your comments sound like you are really unhappy with current tax system or social system, but why are you still staying here? Speak frankly: cherish your current job and salary; people always find something important when they really lose it.
1 s5 C6 |2 ^) v$ q, @
/ p3 E# ~; x# p4 w: \3 S 2 f1 \: v* B/ n8 E+ |* Q. _6 z- z- G3 d
+ a8 I7 V2 e2 W$ D0 w9 G% q+ ?
, |, t0 @& }& Y$ ^$ }1 L
Post by VENUS
. p" n) J5 `5 @, J; s3 R% L; n) V Some single friends of mine make around that amount, believe u will only get may be around $3100 per month before company pension and 牙齿保险.  O2 J, x4 q0 P# q6 k
9 ~  N- C1 |& A5 L
When u reach that level of income, chances are there is company pension, your "quota" for RRSP is reduced tremendously. If u leave the company before retirement, u will find the so called company pension actual amount extremely low. Double check and opt out if it is allowed, most companies do not allow though.
4 b& r5 h$ C2 o9 W5 r6 E
( d6 ?3 j4 S. H" p- J0 oSounds good to me too, but wonder where the money come from?   W# ]1 `1 |: G: F  C; L" m" Z

+ f: |; F- h* K0 }! v3 xWhat's gonna happen when all the baby boomers go into retirement 10 years from now. Wake up!!!
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