楼主: peterpan1668


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-24 08:37 | 显示全部楼层
Maximum is 30% from the total amount:
- d# y# v; ~; rDebt Collection Agency
( m" Q* H& g2 B/ Y/ T; ^4 X
& ]+ ^. U; C+ a6 N9 @/ A4 Uwww.DirectRecovery.com      LOW Rates 15%-25% Attorney Based Commercial/Professional Claims Only
$ h% g2 k. [5 d/ D, i. D/ p
- j+ j' T9 s; b9 L' ~+ z& dCollection Agency near Montreal, QC
1 n' v% _0 u$ Z# S( S- J
/ E5 x9 S5 o, [7 T- q& f* }, j- _. c
Associated Collection Agencies  Write a review; \+ D0 V9 ~- c/ _1 J- q  H
345 avenue Victoria, Westmount, QC H3Z 2N2‎ - (514) 664-4484‎/ E- I( s9 F9 A3 F7 G8 ~
Website‎ - Directions6 P9 t8 g0 d+ C1 @2 i/ |5 s5 h

( Z* ^3 i+ z) ]6 P; K% Z8 [0 k, G' _7 R4 N( ~0 d$ a
Crédit Fédéral Commercial‎  3 reviews - Write a review) y, z* X7 V' u- Y5 d. j  R* E- Q7 l
5127 Rue Jean-Talon Est, Saint-Leonard, QC H1S 1K8‎ - (514) 255-9009‎% v3 e' k' p5 l' g6 l
Category: Collection Agencies
! F0 R- L$ C% J( T
"Leur numéro de téléphone est en fait 514-255-9009 Leur fax 514-256-5917 Sans frais 1-866-908-9009 Vous référer à l'avis avec le numéro de téléphone ..."* g0 v) @( h: `2 E8 i2 _# B) q2 z
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8 \2 J# y5 r! K% z% w) U4 ~1 f" U5 R1 k4 ]1 y8 {
(ARO) Agence de Recouvrement Ogilvie‎  Write a review
, U/ V7 q* X' I) H8 j1001 Sherbrooke Est, Montreal, QC H2L 1L3‎ - (514) 322-1414‎
& @9 A0 i& X2 i/ {Category: Collection Agencies' L4 Q" I) W2 ?3 C3 k) U! t
Website‎ - Directions9 j6 }" o( \1 ~/ M) N6 {5 v
3 P/ B3 C$ b: _' r
Crédit Protection‎  Write a review
9 j- s$ e: M, c 103-1558 Rue Viel, Montreal, QC H3M 1G5‎ - (514) 723-1010‎
# b0 E' W* w% J& {7 ^ Category: Collection Agencies9 U4 C7 \: ^, T& \
Directions6 o% X0 F  ~5 d6 M' e5 \# t

- t( X* K5 |% {/ s 5 y- f2 E0 T3 j7 P8 Y
Saulnier Robillard Lortie Huissiers De JusticeS ENC‎  Write a review9 G- b9 }* W' Y2 }/ k
407 St Laurent, Montréal, QC H2Y 2Y5‎ - (514) 878-3143‎  m2 }  x- w% ^6 c+ C! y
Category: Collection Agencies  E+ L  @' }1 |% Q5 L
Website‎ - Directions
1 O  i) h# X4 G' ^4 K5 b
9 ?0 e- y+ z1 c5 v' Y2 s9 h
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-25 03:09 | 显示全部楼层
Paquette & Associés Huissiers de Justice SENC‎  Write a review
2 h) f7 ]  ?1 o3 h1 D) T$ y; m  511 Place d'Armes, Montreal, QC H2Y 2W7‎ - (514) 284-1007‎0 v. I" B/ ]7 u9 H. L) n1 M
  Category: Collection Agencies
; W$ @: r6 m7 g+ Y. f  Website‎ - Directions‎                 ) g# m4 U, N# Y6 M

* k0 D: ~9 D3 u) r, l7 Q2 TNor-Don Agence de recouvrement inc‎  Write a review. u/ m! O6 m: y3 ^; n
  50 Cremazie Bl O, Montreal, QC H2P 2T1‎ - (514) 383-5711‎
! p7 H) [$ _- e6 t! P4 `  Category: Collection Agencies
( b3 [' Y" a7 Y7 W# c  Directions) W/ a) r8 S% u$ _. L
( }, ~! h- R+ Q, r* O    A5 v; {% g# w! g6 G0 C/ h: Q1 S
  Kolleco Service De Recouvrement‎  Write a review
3 X, d' J; g2 h5 g( t4 r* I  80 Rue Fleury Ouest, Montreal, QC H3L 1T2‎ - (514) 385-3635‎* S" `% A7 c: d& M) j- E+ s* Z
  Category: Collection Agencies
5 c/ [2 N1 T$ E( N  e  Directions7 f7 A% G) D1 Q3 `! s2 _
, x- y2 D- e6 ^. s+ z/ f( K  
& w4 i- v4 e! c! n; a  Global Credit And Collection  Write a review
) w- [, q" y  ?  2055 Rue Peel, Montreal, QC H3A 1V4‎ - (514) 284-5533‎
7 F, s* D0 |5 n  Directions/ H" d7 q8 Q6 b
  , D% |" d3 G) J1 X
  ; H1 D, }2 _; v" p( e( j
  Excel Collection Services Ltd‎  Write a review, g/ R8 v3 Y3 d: E8 u
  1117 Rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest, Montreal, QC H3B 1H9‎ - (514) 842-8787‎
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 11:51 | 显示全部楼层
List of Notary in Montreal area: o4 k2 J$ G5 q- B% ^  F( Q8 N
# Z0 W4 o$ \4 g( I( A" E) U4 w+ l+ [
Marcel Plante Avocat
2 t( o" w4 I3 f- T/ P$ y' iTel1: 514-272-8217$ w* y: X! n+ A& I
6984 boul St-Denis,Montreal, QC, H2S 2S4' C! \* t7 ?! \# E3 i
4 g3 Y/ S! D! Z0 |' W+ B" v5 n
Côté Benoit1 r# I0 g1 X3 A4 y7 D- B7 H1 |
Tel1:   514-272-5755  7 o8 I. u% S8 c( [7 x* k
1252 rue Beaubien Est,Montréal, QC, H2S 1T9
8 I9 S, q) O0 d0 _1 d3 g% r! ]" e3 }' o0 F. ?8 O0 ?# ~1 O
Deraspe Lucien
) N  o9 Q' j+ W# Y, [6 nTel1:   514-353-3750  . f5 r, v* B- l! G7 ]# f" p
7112 boulevard Joseph-Renaud,Anjou, QC, H1K 3V5
. H3 @5 J: @4 X5 P; [: F) R; L) x  s! {
Descary Et RobertTel1:   514-637-2371  
' \$ H8 k( q* }3 Z1 L& X3374 rue Notre-Dame,Lachine, QC, H8T 1W7- o6 C6 f$ k1 {
! N: Y8 H+ p. L3 \  K
Dupuy Pierre, A4 u- E3 S6 e1 P! ^1 W, n' ^  C
Tel1:   514-695-0545  & G) A. k8 S. d) D/ Y. y
189 boulevard Hymus,Pointe-Claire, QC, H9R 1E9
% z" f! t* g0 I  H+ C. P$ y" n1 v) q) l3 p" C- Z
- o9 p, ?# Q: ^Tel1:   514-932-5814  $ D5 Y) x# T  `9 J
75 rue de Port-Royal Est,Montréal, QC, H3L 3T14 u5 v( l+ H) k3 V- h4 V  \; |" S& r& y
9 r, @7 x* r8 E! b
Gilbert Séguin Brossard
+ `* |9 V' U; N( D; mTel1:   514-842-1551  ( ?$ k9 c% x8 {; D5 N( ?! g) n/ j* T
500 Place d'Armes,Montréal, QC, H2Y 2W23 v; d1 z  n% R6 D9 p

8 O6 d" a- L) x, {+ j0 U) PSchneider & Gaggino. B* w# X8 ~$ S) @% B! q" ?- W
Tel1:   514-631-8787  ' C1 w! r" t, c$ m' E9 ~" T; @
375 chemin Bord du Lac-Lakeshore Drive,Dorval, QC, H9S 2A5
/ [: J1 X  b( `* v' @9 {2 u& |$ }4 q( R
) A; {2 {5 V! YBarsalou Lawson
0 r6 ~! d5 W- a' L2 `( VTel1:   514-982-3355  5 j/ ?& P4 j% a8 Y- u0 L: G" U4 z( `
2000 avenue McGill Collège,Montréal, QC, H3A 3H3
0 ?" D6 l2 q7 |5 u( ]& M: t, F5 Y2 Y; I1 q% L% @+ o
Ferland Marois Lanctot Société Nominale5 i. b% Z$ ~$ k" j, E# l
Tel1:   514-861-1110  
! h+ M6 A' i/ O. `! _555 boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest,Montréal, QC, H2Z 1B1
0 D. {" K4 F% X; G! Q; v9 t- R8 C' ~/ B6 y% d- M! O9 M% ?
Rivest Schmidt  P$ f4 V) \" \+ a/ W
Tel1:   514-948-1888  . M" [5 S7 h4 A& ]8 d
7712 rue Saint-Hubert,Montréal, QC, H2R 2N83 P$ X4 }5 h5 G' T! \* T* V; l

. a2 N7 j0 i2 eDubé Serge
# ]% M( H6 ]5 h: T. I  M4 lTel1:   514-871-9796  : ~2 @8 T; ^  m  E- v
615 boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest,Montréal, QC, H3B 1P5
* Q5 s: w7 x: U' d6 A& P2 i1 e" s5 K7 \
Pierre Brunelle
' F  G/ V& a8 ]+ P! `7 R/ U& p9 M+ v; pTel1:   514-277-0110  
% [. e! p( Z4 E$ f5130 rue Saint-Hubert,Montréal, QC, H2J 2Y3
+ u6 }; T7 p5 T# |2 k$ q" w
+ f* t! D( Q; ], m; e. UDemers Chebli0 E( U6 O1 L2 [
Tel1:   514-876-9950  
- D( {) w6 U& U% b: o1 Pl Ville Marie,Montréal, QC, H3B 2B2  M: r# N% r; H- @& `

* M8 n3 [9 V- w; J) o2 ANeuer Moe% t2 U% P) ]( S6 m6 F
Tel1:   514-489-5554  
) }. L* b! z5 Y+ h* c2 E; z3285 boulevard Cavendish,Montréal, QC, H4B 2L9! O3 ~8 i  b3 S3 a$ U5 B+ U
; ?) g9 e4 O% C! ^6 T7 d: }
And more:
! C" S0 F$ N5 b6 X# |5 M* z+ s& j! L, i* l
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-28 00:19 | 显示全部楼层
Happy New Year!
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发表于 2009-12-28 23:01 | 显示全部楼层


Hi, Peter Pan:+ O: I+ g8 L5 f% i$ {

& o- `; Z5 n4 B( @- l4 o你知道,現仍有免費英文班嗎?一對一教或其它形式的。可否給我它們地址和電話,多謝了。
) E) s0 \; S5 g7 ]* l  l6 P) p- D
, H% L" n  S, K# e我e-mail: feifanghe@yahoo.com
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-30 02:31 | 显示全部楼层
Post by TianYuan;2456709 . f' g  L; O& e0 [: U2 U
Hi, Peter Pan:
" V7 [6 l1 `% w+ O+ p
* Y$ s2 S0 V7 P& u# j$ J7 t) a你知道,現仍有免費英文班嗎?一對一教或其它形式的。可否給我它們地址和電話,多謝了。; ]0 x- s) p9 L- s. v  `
' v- ?& d7 w5 c5 c. a
我e-mail: feifanghe@yahoo.com
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Reply to: [EMAIL="serv-4fqxh-1527513262@craigslist.org?subject=English%20Tutor%20%2B%20Writing%20Help%20%28Plateau%29&body=%0A%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fmontreal.craigslist.ca%2Flss%2F1527513262.html%0A"]serv-4fqxh-1527513262@craigslist.org[/EMAIL] <sup>[Errors when replying to ads?]</sup>. t& \7 I, x! Y7 {, z
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-30 02:48 | 显示全部楼层

/ e' \+ C/ L" y! U' f9 h2 ]7 T: M( U$ ]# `, X
RECLAIM# n$ o) H! C& @
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         (Reading Council for Literacy Advance in Montreal)    0 P: x+ x9 |7 r8 r
: f+ h5 Z  \5 [' f: r1 O' R; C
Providing Literacy Services to adult literacy learners since 1980    # J9 y2 K/ }+ I  B8 G

4 g0 y3 ?4 P. g  x' |3 E2 r9 ?! uRECLAIM( s, V' E; Z( g5 q+ }7 ?. ~
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   Located in the St. Henri District of Montreal, RECLAIM provides services to the Metropolitain Montreal Area       3 R" C" h" z/ ~- ]9 W- V' M$ r+ t* |

: Q/ V$ E9 W  t7 F) ? RECLAIM Literacy Council
: P6 B- K1 q6 S, ?0 x. S5 H1001 Lenoir Rm A2-10 (2nd floor - RCA Building)
8 h" _  R  Z# _5 o9 z7 g* Y/ TMontreal Quebec, H4C 2Z6, CANADA   ; P; C/ q$ B* ^9 a1 I
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Open Monday to Thursday
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Call for an appointment
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phone: 514 369 7835  ! G% x2 v( t7 s( E

4 A/ H$ W" Q6 thttp://www.reclaimliteracy.ca/" W7 f5 l% g5 H% G
% Z2 b7 ^& x; A. I3 \" Y4 E/ F
Good luck.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-6 03:18 | 显示全部楼层


【分享】关于金融投资和保险4 M' q$ a/ v: j6 M' d' E9 \
5 k5 D. a( M7 @/ ?( d( G
由于魁省自九十年代便改了保险的赔偿方式,及无论是否你的对错均有自己投保的保险公司赔偿你的损失,然后再由你投保的公司和对方投保的公司协商或透过法律手段解决由哪家承担索赔,故无论你对错,只要你有索赔记录,你的保险费用一定会增加。# `6 E; b% H6 L8 i

4 f- I3 Z( o- x3 o6 l0 y1 f如果不幸你有多次索赔记录,除了保金上扬之外,某些公司甚至会拒保;并令你无所适从。由此一家信誉好负责任的保险中介公司往往有能力为你找到能继续为你投保的保险公司。- G/ L7 z! I4 G& Y# R& u

8 h* @; @* t- y9 M7 _我知道一家并由此受益的中介公司。如你由此需求的话不妨一试:

" E; }* E/ B5 c7 ]  L+ y" D! N. g1 h8 d1 ?( R! U2 S
Mr. Vahan Matossian2 o+ n! x1 Q, V& B4 E4 y% m% a
Courtier d'Assurance Agréé$ Y" m# f6 V) b0 j; v
Chartered Insurance    Broker
# ~9 L$ @! R- L5 _( E* kAssura Bien Inc.
' j+ Q% ?! g) T% k
tel: (514) 903-3999
$ q  J7 }# P& b' Y/ @: s2 m! C télé: (514) 564-333
- }) S; O; z4 }, j. C  $ p0 ?; X: }& a
http://www.assurabien.com/ 1 `3 e4 o; b& t+ O  l7 R- F9 l/ F
' o; P. r1 K7 L# p; o
assurance@assurabien.com. P3 v7 b+ w+ E3 B( `) ?. w; ?- S
5 n+ B5 f, A% ]5 \9 [+ M0 F1 P
另外,由于美国次贷引起的全球性的金融风暴令所有投资基金的均无可避免地蒙受了巨大的损失。不过最近新开发的基金金融产品弥补了基金投资的不足,故在此和大家一起分享(附上我认为信誉及服务较好的金融中介不妨一试):; n: J; Q4 i  V$ V0 `  A: m

) \/ j6 n) t) k! b3 \Here is a document on in  Chinese on the investment we discussed...& D, k5 P6 S. F$ y
   http://www.inalco.com/documents/ ... le.ashx?FileId=1145# {2 g9 g2 @; w5 V
   & r4 X/ o% @6 O0 I+ }+ ]
   Also watch these videos...: Z4 [$ D6 B8 j/ o' y
8 h) [1 M! I5 ^* z8 F  `3 s: M: ]5 Y1 D. V2 j, ?

, T$ q( _$ j' o6 r6 U1 vMr. Bedros Sarkissian. L$ i6 s, a/ c- l' C+ U5 f; x' Y
SFG - Agency Principal: G/ k' w$ \$ R# n9 d- N
Financial Security Advisor - SFG
7 U* _. c4 [7 d" a1 s7 H0 X Advisor in Group Insurance - SFG/ W3 X4 I  S$ \% N
Mutual Fund Representative - Aegon Dealer Services Canada Inc." W: W+ ^! u" \
Branch Manager - ADSCI SFG Branch& T( {  q( D) u7 r
  Visit us ... www.SFG.ca Your One Stop Solution!
+ X' Z" \& Q2 H% ^" q' R  301 - 4226 Blvd St-Jean, Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Qc. H9G 1X5 Tel: 514-620-4226 Fax:514-620-7002
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发表于 2013-7-14 12:27 | 显示全部楼层

Saguenay-lac Saint jean 玩

Hi:$ T  |. @+ f* r+ v/ T9 r% h# c/ f
3 D% O6 D/ k/ y2 I$ Q
有没有人想7月26-7月28日去QC 的 :eek::eek!: Saguenay-lac Saint jean玩, 我们有车两个人。2 w0 h, C, `0 z. A/ q  n; j9 c
7 c, S/ k, ?5 D
, v3 R4 k+ b( j$ T0 m1 J- E
E-Mail: cheniona@gmail.com   Tel:514-735-8889
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发表于 2013-8-8 11:10 | 显示全部楼层


好东西,太实用了,这种贴必须置顶! . W% G2 Q+ S$ |/ L
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