
标题: Call Center- Receptionist/客服中心-前台 [打印本页]

作者: jobs@carrytel    时间: 2020-6-29 18:53
标题: Call Center- Receptionist/客服中心-前台
( g2 A: I. n, a' p# L! v& o' t) \# o( V: b" m% g: d9 w
' c' j5 Y4 }" o1 t有耐心,工作积极热情, 能够灵活处理各项问题。
! e0 T' f! k. M6 j# `前台工作主要是接待周末的客人上门换取MODEM 及modem 库存记录/ U+ w! ?: ?% x6 c) v& g0 C
周一至周五,10:00AM - 7:00PM% Q+ `4 L9 W4 J6 L( t0 Y

* W1 c/ R! i/ }) g欢迎有前台经验工作者,
' n% _9 g7 o- P! ?& p6 J无工作经验者, 刚大学毕业学生皆可培训。! l7 Q0 d$ {$ i- N& i

8 e% B# m- y# E, _8 ^- W$ Y* j
# J6 w2 Q' `& S9 I如有意向,请发送简历联系人力部:; f1 r7 ~$ i* p. Z
jobs@carrytel.ca # r2 |8 v, y; @3 V0 @

2 k; L0 l: Y3 X2 m( j来电:647-362-6390 Victor(HR)& |8 c" q" c( i8 H' u

4 @9 M: @1 u; X6 q5 h) p0 ?" b
& e4 r; K5 @& y" m. _3 V) O8 MRequirements:1 D' {$ Q) }5 p
Excellent command of French and English language.! T1 T# \$ _8 D. O2 F3 D# I( X! s
Provide excellent customer service at all times.' v3 N+ ~* J  \& c9 v1 d
Appropriately communicate with upset customers to resolve their inquiries.' N2 ?. V/ [* K( t% m0 F* j
5 u- T: p" W! ~
Pick up the call during weekdays, and help customer for modem pick up, return, and exchange during the weekend. . z' w6 `! m8 W# k+ P
Basic technical trouble shoot to help customers resolve internet service issues in reception.. J2 H" a5 V! Y" L6 H+ |
" n: M9 \3 z- |, M* R+ j
Performs other related duties and assignments as required and as assigned by supervisor or manager( I. }' O& J+ n7 m

& @* z. d0 z# v5 ]5 MWorking hours: Weekdays, 10am-7pm
9 T/ @/ ?' i; S, [$ g

. i( D: |; z" X" B1 ~
Must have availability to work various shifts influenced by current business needs./ w7 I- A. R( w9 u% @: M

. i; e2 y2 N8 ]Benefit:
0 d2 t6 l3 D) C* U$ M# lHealth Insurance, Vacation pay, salary review policy, and holiday over time pay.

) A3 z  e, a5 l* s
0 X( {. P2 t  r5 t# M# EPlease send your resume to jobs@carrytel.ca or call 647-362-63906 c- |) |& V5 W$ b6 h

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