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[联谊] dancelovers舞蹈爱好者俱乐部

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发表于 2003-6-19 17:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
交谊舞和国标舞虽然有相同的舞步,却有太大的不同,学习的过程也大大的不同。交谊舞的学习,礼节和舞步很重要,参加SOCIAL DANCING 的舞会,对服装,化妆的要求都很高,要让人看着舒服,舞要跳的正规,男士要大气,跳的好的男士要照顾在场的其它女士,不要老和跳的好的女士跳,这样才会使舞会越办越好,来的人也越来越多;女士也同样,不要因为跳的好,就随便拒绝男士真诚的邀请。和越多的人跳,经验越丰富,朋友也越多。好的SOCIAL DANCER 都有很多位跳得来的舞伴,成为一个圈子,大家常相约舞场,其乐融融。很多人的SOCIAL DANCING 都是在舞会上学到的,当然也有参加交谊舞的培训班等等。


   竞技国标的舞者就不是这么回事,从学舞一开始他们往往就找好了自己认为最好的启蒙教练。没有好的教练,就不可能有好的开始,非正规的习惯一但养成,改起来就很不容易。训练的场地通常也不会是舞会等等。尽管有很多参赛者也去舞会借场地训练,因为毕竟单独租场地是很贵的。但是,这对其他的SOCIAL DANCER 是不公平的。就好象是学声乐的人  去卡拉OK 练习唱歌一样。影响到跳交谊舞的人的正常活动。笔者曾经也去过SOCIAL DANCING 的舞会练习,一是不敢放开来跳,怕弄不好碰倒了其他人。二是一遍遍的跳重复的动作,别人看着奇怪。曾经有一位跳拉丁的朋友,也常和我们去同一个SOCIAL DANCING 的场地练习,他一来就是练习站立,一站一小时,好比太极中的站桩。然后他要练习RUMBA WALK ,一练也是半小时,他的舞伴也是同样。然后他们就提了包走人了。其他的人都很奇怪,问我他们是不是有毛病?来了面壁而站,然后走上一阵子就完事了。这叫什么练舞啊?我大笑起来。想想也是啊,在SOCIAL DANCERS 的眼里,这真是不太正常。其实他们只不过是借场地练习基本功,这样好不影响其它的人跳舞。结果还被人误认为有毛病。而我呢,常常一身运动服去SOCIAL DANCING 的场地。同样是和周围的风景不协调,其实也是不太好。只不过大家熟悉了,慢慢他们了解到我们是他们的异类,见多不怪。且同情我们穷,让一块场地给我们练习。比赛的时候,也有一些来自SOCIAL DANCING 的朋友前来助威。这也就是相互理解了。






发表于 2005-1-30 11:56 | 只看该作者

Dance parties around Chinese new year

A Chinese new year dance party will be held by Friend club
from 7pm to 11:30pm on Fri, Feb 11.
The address is 2295 Rue St Marc, 3rd floor.
Info: (514) 846 - 9811 or 484 - 5544.

According to a local newspaper,
Arthur Murray dance school will also organize
a Chinese new year dance party
at the Arthur Murray downtown dance studio from 7pm to 11pm on Sat, Feb 12.
There will be snacks, cocktail and prizes.
Since there is no admission charge
and the capacity limit is 60 people,
advanced reservation is recommended.
To reserve, call (514)947-7299
1625 Ste-Catherine West(Corner Guy)
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发表于 2004-10-29 23:14 | 只看该作者
International style standard dance:waltz, foxtrot, tango, Viennese waltz, quickstepInternational style latin dance:chacha, samba, rumba,jive,paso-doble.

Social dance includes a lot of dances,easier than international style.
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发表于 2004-10-28 13:29 | 只看该作者
I've been to Momento restaurant(on the first floor)a couple of times.
Those were special occassions organized by some groups
so salsa music was played a lot.
The good thing about merengue is that it is simple enough
to be danced with strangers without worrying about messing up.
Merengue is relatively easy to learn
but it is not as popular as salsa.
Usually when salsa dancers want to catch a breath from dancing a lot of salsa,
then they would do 1 or 2 merengues a night.

I usually dance chacha, rumba, swing, waltz, a little foxtrot, salsa(not too good), merengue(I can fake it), tango(tricky dance), samba(lovely music but difficult dance).

I'll definitely go to see "Shall we dance"
when it goes to Dollar cinema in about a month.

The friend who told me about the dance at the forum
only knows a few steps of chacha
but he had a lot of fun dancing it there last Saturday.
He'll probably go again this week.
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发表于 2004-10-28 11:19 | 只看该作者
to helloman

I went Memonto last week with other people in our class. But I found salsa music is rarely played there.  I was invites three times to dance Menrengue, which I had no clue at all.  I found it looks easier than salsa, at least the move is slower and less fancy.

Also, i wanna know when you go to ballroom, which dance you dance often.
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发表于 2004-10-28 11:11 | 只看该作者
thanks helloman

very clear now.

I saw " shall we dance" last Saturday. anyone who loves dance should go and watch this movie, really fun. I also saw the dance school organized dance activities there . some dancers are very good.
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发表于 2004-10-27 22:51 | 只看该作者
I am learning salsa dance now. according to you guys posts, it is not in the social dance catagory

In North America, "social dances" traditionally refer to waltz, foxtrot, tango, Viennese waltz, quickstep, chacha, samba, rumba, swing, etc.

In my broader interpretation,
social dance is any dance through which one socializes with others,
therefore any partner dances that are popular in social setting,
ex. parties, wedding receptions, clubs,
can be considered social dances.

Salsa dancing can now be found in many clubs and parties,
so salsa can be considered "social" dance in spirit
even though no one calls it as such.

    Salsa dance is fun and popular. I think you've made a good choice.
Later you can also learn other popular dances
such as waltz, chacha and swing.
Attend dance parties to meet up with other dance aficionados.
Check the posts on this message board from time to time
for dance party news.
Have fun dancing.
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发表于 2004-10-27 22:06 | 只看该作者
For the dance organized by UoM studends,
please look for the post "10月30日周六工学院的舞会".

A friend just told me that in the Pepsi forum,
which is in the corner of St. catherine and Atwater,
a dance school sponsors free dances from 8pm to 10pm
every Friday and Saturday nights

Correction: The dances at the forum took place on Friday and Saturday last week,
but in the coming weeks, the free dance will take place on Saturdays only, not Fridays,
as long as the movie "Shall we dance" is still being shown in AMC cinema.
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发表于 2004-10-27 19:55 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-10-27 12:02 | 只看该作者

dance party????

I heard there will be a dance party in UofM. Anyone can give more information??

I am learning salsa dance now. according to you guys posts, it is not in the social dance catagory.  Maybe I mixed social dance and latin dance together, can anyone tell me what the social dance really is.

I love dance but only have a little perience. anyone who takes dance seriously and want to improve dance skill is welcome to contact me.  We can practise together.
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