各位XDJM我有一个疑问:申请表SPOUSE/COMMON-LAW QUESTIONNAIRE其中这个SPOUSE 和 COMMON-LAW 是不是一个意思,他们有什么区别吗?我们结婚了是不是COMMON-LAW RELATIONSHIP?像问题5 :Are you in a common-law relationship.i.e. have you and your sponsor lived together in a conjugal relationship for a period of at least one year?结婚的人应该选YES还是NO啊!!!!?????它要求我们提供联合帐户和租房合同,像结婚的要不要提供给他们联合帐户和租房合同呢?谢谢各位鼎立相助
You are the sponsor’s spouse if you are a person of the opposite sex aged 16 or older and are legally married to the sponsor.
You are a common-law partner if you are a person of the opposite or same sex, who is living with the sponsor in a conjugal relationship and have done so for a period of at least。
结婚当然是SPOUSE!如果你们同居超过1年了,就答yes.你们没有这类的联合帐户和租房合同吗?没有就开个银行账户好了,又不麻烦。如果刚刚结婚,可以解释成新婚,没来及。毕竟还有其它材料证明你们关系,所以也不是每个他们提到的other support document都必须提供。
one year.
Post by maggie512
各位XDJM我有一个疑问:申请表SPOUSE/COMMON-LAW QUESTIONNAIRE其中这个SPOUSE 和 COMMON-LAW 是不是一个意思,他们有什么区别吗?我们结婚了是不是COMMON-LAW RELATIONSHIP?像问题5 :Are you in a common-law relationship.i.e. have you and your sponsor lived together in a conjugal relationship for a period of at least one year?结婚的人应该选YES还是NO啊!!!!?????它要求我们提供联合帐户和租房合同,像结婚的要不要提供给他们联合帐户和租房合同呢?谢谢各位鼎立相助