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发表于 2003-6-3 21:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2003-6-3 21:54 | 只看该作者
St. George's School of Montreal1 M( a# i& c$ P. Z3 d
3685 The Boulevard, Westmount
8 s& c( X* }9 T(514) 486-5214
" P. A( T/ H2 i& c8 l% y: \( U% _www.stgeorges.qc.ca9 d4 L- e# n0 [/ m
Weston School, est. 1917( {9 x+ k" c" [! T7 D; w
5460 Connaught Ave.
$ i7 w1 T* T# k8 `5 s( yMontreal, Quebec H4V 1X7
; R; N/ A) H1 B  [$ E6 d% ?; V(514) 488-9191& b2 S5 k; X# p( P. g0 d/ ?
www.westonschool.org9 Q, ]+ Q; ^0 I: ?  K& H
A private independent school that recognizes that& A* {; C- E3 }+ D# M% B
every child learns differently.
4 l) f! e* a, q! Q  l
1 R" _; h+ U1 z <small>[ 06-03-2003, 22:02: Message edited by: Moderator4 ]</small>
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