I received the offer letter from Concordia last week,and I came to the School of Graduate Study .The secretary told me that I must present my Chinese-version transcript.I had given them the English-version when I submitted my application form.At that time they did not say that they need the Chinese version.I don't know why.Is there someone who can tell me why?Please help!Thank!
Don't misunderstand me!I was delayed the addimition because they think my score is low.My transcript is from original(I sware).As you ,I hate the deceive. I had to take two courses for evaluation.My grades isne is A+,one is A.It take me almost all my effort to prove my quality.I hate the guy whose average grade is always above 90.(I have no idea to arraign the people whose grade is really above 90).
I met the same experience as you. Why you really want to probe the reason. Anyway, you also need to present it as a formal formality even though you know the reason or not unless your transcrifte in English is fake.