Some new students would like to have more information before they register,
they just want to share information and exchange ideas. It is no point for you to scold others, if you do not like to help your fellow student you can just go back to your own cage and suck yourself into your own mcgill dream.
It is WHAT a shame to have such a student like you in Mcgill. Even Concordia won't have such a "SHIT" like YOU.
Post by tasso
SJY前辈,本人对MCGILL向往以久,立志要上他的MANAGEMENT,所以我花了3年时间读了一个COLLEGE,TECNICAL TRIANING DEC。谁知老天戏人,我们学校没有教CALCULUS2和LINER ALGEBRA。(好象这是他们的要求课)以您的判断我还有机会申请吗?我的CRC29分。I AM LANDED IMMIGRANT。请您一定给出个主意,我是不是还有机会?