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发表于 2005-12-4 16:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2005-12-8 21:33 | 只看该作者
I think you have a chance to get EI. you had better go to human resource department to tell the agent your situation. normally they will evaluate first, then decide if you can get it or not. if not your fault, you have a chance to get it.

Post by david_li

go to EI office to ask any document they need.
go back your company, ask document for layoff you, not fire
If you get fired ,you never get EI. If they fire you, they must have proof.(stolen, not comply with his boss)
try to rember that never argue with your boss(very,very important).
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发表于 2005-12-8 20:43 | 只看该作者
go to EI office to ask any document they need.
go back your company, ask document for layoff you, not fire
If you get fired ,you never get EI. If they fire you, they must have proof.(stolen, not comply with his boss)
try to rember that never argue with your boss(very,very important).
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发表于 2005-12-8 17:52 | 只看该作者
I would like tell you don't worry too much. You can apply EI at Human resources agent first. If they refuse your EI, you can appeal according to the appeal process. If you have not misconduct and have witeness. You have big chance to win. Canada has democratic system
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发表于 2005-12-5 09:54 | 只看该作者
If you quit, it is more difficult.

If you are fired/laid off, definately you can get EI.

If they fire or lay off you, they need to fill the corresponding form, pay you your unused vacation days. With the form, you can go to the government agency to apply for the EI. In the form, they need to specify the reason that your job is terminated. If the reason in the form is not reasonable/acceptable, you can sue them.
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发表于 2005-12-5 09:53 | 只看该作者
Post by lzmqu

Definately you can get EI. That is one of the situations that EI is set for.
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-5 01:53 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-5 01:39 | 只看该作者
我有目击证人,同时周一我也把了complain letter 给老板,但我犯了个错误,因为那天我在做老板交给我的任务时,工头叫我做其他的工作(都不是我这个岗位的工作,但当我完成我的本职工作后工头都会叫我做其他的工作),态度很不好(上周骂我心里更火)就拒绝他,工头恼羞成怒告诉经理以后来告诉我:"take everything ,go home",我说让我回家的也是经理不是你,让经理来找我吧,过了会经理来了说不听工头的话只好回家了,我说上周发生了些事情,他必须向我道歉,接着我把complain letter 也给了经理,经理就不再说什么了,我继续老板给的活,过了半个小时,工头来对我说老板叫我回家.我又犯了个错误,没有当场问他回家是不是开除我或lay off我呢(没经验啊,我当时以为就是开除我了,就故做潇洒把考勤卡往经理办公桌一扔就走了),后来我去了2次公司问经理,让我回家是不是解雇我,我问是不是就这样完了,他说不是,他也不知道发生了什么事,调查后等老板的决定,并让我回家等。现在一周过去了还是没消息。特别说明的是工头越南人在里面呆了25年了,根深蒂固,对亚洲人特别是中国人态度一直不好。另外我有以前经理给我的岗位介绍信。多谢各位同胞给我出这么多的主意,也希望更多的人特别是新移民从我这里得到一些经验教训。
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发表于 2005-12-4 23:26 | 只看该作者


现在是, 找个目击证人, 证明你得superviser 骂你在先, 你要求他道歉, 问题是是不是你得老板也被这个工头骗了。

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发表于 2005-12-4 22:21 | 只看该作者
公司现在让我回家,第一天我就去仲裁中心,但仲裁中心要确定你有没有被开除或LAY OFF 了,后来我再问公司经理,他说还没调查好,还不知道老板的意思。因为整件事的主要过错方不是我(工头骂我,我要求他道歉),所以现在我在等公司给我的回复,但不管怎么样我回公司的机会很小,在这个过程中,我没有了生活来源,我能不能领EI?哪位能指点迷津,给我个确定的回答。
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