how i envy you! i began to miss shanghai more and more since xmas is coming. i miss my parents' cooking and "da zha xie" so much...
每逢佳节倍思亲 now i know what it means indeed.
Crystal, be sure to check out the bars and coffee houses on Heng Shan Road. Some of those are worth going, but not cheap (50 yuan per person).
I was also in Shanghai the past summer, teaching english wiht EF, here are some memorable moments(吃).
1. 龚记馄饨 (all the time, all over the place)
2. 印度小厨(永嘉路)
3. 复旦门口的小摊
the list goes on..
Crystal... are you coming back soon? Can't wait to meet you guys
由于连天下雨,这几天就只能在家门口逛逛。阔别才两年多, 上海变化真大呀。公共汽车汽车上居然有中英文两种报站,马路上所有的路牌也都换成中英文, 而取代了以前的拼音。写到这儿,大伙儿不会笑我老土吧,真的是发现上海越来越注意国际大都市的形象了。音像店里的商品品种之多(不管正版,盗版),令我大开眼界,原来想大买特买的我,反而不知买啥好啦。商店里的售货员态度也是那么热情,令我受宠若惊。嘿嘿。 昨天终于有了一个艳阳天。本小姐居然直奔南京路! 置身在熙熙儴儴的南京路上,真切的感到上海的活力。几乎所有的商店里都象过节一样人来人往,而今年北美商店里的萧条是众所周知的。人民公园却也不复存在了,取而代之的是一片人工绿地,我依稀还记得儿时在那里玩耍的情景。而如今景也变,人也老啦。更可恶的是,本小姐居然水土不服,近日脸上张满了小痘痘!!!
至于淮海路,下个星期再去吧,I ‘d like to save the best for last!
Karin 朋友,谢谢你的关心,妈妈看到我,身体就好了大半啦。本人才疏学浅,实因思乡心切,才敢写这么一点点东西,见笑了。
Valeisay, actually, I should ask some details form you. I have no idea about where to buy stuff and where to have some fun. I am waiting for you!
First time I went back to Shanghai was last Christmas, being away for homecity for 5 years. I felt so excited when the plane landed... almost cried. Actually I did cry when the plane was stuck in Montreal for 1 hour ...:-(
Anyway, enjoy your time in Shanghai Crystal. I hope I can meet you guys sometime.
hey, crystal! it sounds like you pretty enjoy your trip back so far. update with us what Shanghai is up to? any new trendy wacky stuff you've found prevaling in shanghai now. we will probably be meeting there soon! see ya!