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发表于 2006-11-2 01:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
在Douglas(Verdun)的研究中心,由McGill大学的教授和研究人员负责的一个关于儿童睡眠及注意力的研究. 需要7到11岁的儿童参与, 欢迎多动症或有注意力问题的儿童参加。 您的孩子将获得一系列关于睡眠和注意力的测试。 您会得到75$, 您的孩子会得到些玩具。 想了解更多信息, 请打电话:514-7616131, 分机:2050 , 或514-5823578(中文), 或发email: ellen.tong@gmail.com

Dr. Gruber and her colleagues from the Douglas Research Center, McGill University and the University of Montreal conduct a study about sleep effects on attention of children.
Why study sleep?Because sleep is essential for children’s ability to pay attention and regulate behavior during the day.
What’s the goal?To determine whether children can improve their attention and behavior by sleeping more, and whether an insufficient amount of sleep is a factor that affects their difficulties during the day.
What’s your role?Your child will be asked to record sleep (non-intrusive method), to add or to eliminate one hour of sleep for 6 nights in a row, and to participate in attention testing.
Who can participate?Boys and girls between 7-11 years of age, child with ADHD or other attention problems as well as child with no attention problems are welcome.
What’s the benefit for you? Your child will receive a gift and you will obtain 75 dollars as a compensation for participating in the study. Also, you will find out if one hour of sleep makes a difference in your child’sability to pay attention and better behave during the day!
To learn more about the study please contact:

Sleep and Attention Study: Tel: (514) 761-6131 Ext. 2050
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