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发表于 2007-1-31 14:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式

发表于 2007-3-25 03:38 | 只看该作者
I came from China too, but I really did see lots messages to borrow or rent the metro pass in Sinoquebec web, we are lucky, because quebecois wont visit this webside, if not, they will be very surprised by our chinese, " les yeux brides" called by Andre Boisclair. I understand some poeple just wants to save some money, but this is bad example of some chinese only, we better don't do that pretty stupid thing.
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发表于 2007-3-25 01:52 | 只看该作者

支持 jesuisnew 观点感受

理解 jesuisnew 的感受。支持一把。

自我感觉举世皆浊,唯他独清的 bzwbd 同学 -- 一个脑子没有进水, 却把吃进去的水甚至奶消化成键盘下的秽物的高人。你太有才了吧。
我是马甲我怕谁? 你是马甲怕你?
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发表于 2007-3-12 19:11 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2007-3-11 23:36 | 只看该作者
成人使用学生票: 无耻.
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发表于 2007-3-6 15:47 | 只看该作者
   省下来的,就好比是挣的.其实,我的几个同学虽然对自己很吝啬,但是对朋友还不错.该花的钱还是舍的花.所以,他们/她们租用月票,我能理解.这也是一个 无形的供需市场.只是STM没有赚到这一笔,租金落入了个人的口袋.干脆就全当是这些年买月票,STM给大家的小小补贴费吧.
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发表于 2007-2-25 00:34 | 只看该作者
Post by xiaodoudou

I am not rich, I am not poor, I came to Canada NOT to be superior or stand HIGHER than others. I come to Canada to GROW, to DEVELOP, to UNDERSTAND better about myself,
well said.
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发表于 2007-2-24 10:30 | 只看该作者
To Hangzhou62:
The Big Common Sense tells us that adults taking advantage of the benefit for children and sharing ticket is NOT right as our social behaviour and I believe it is not legal according to the law as WU808 has given information. But those who do it, should keep it within their families which is ACCEPTABLE(by the way, I have no families who are doing that). If it is between friends, neigbours, co-workers, then it has crossed the LINE and it will be taken as fraud. The law and the system have to be supported by every one of us, otherwise the society will colapse. Fortunately, the absolute majority is not doing that.


"On the other hand, people should be thoughtful to those less fortunate. Try to be more constructive and helpful. Those who think sharing ticket in a family does not morally stand higher than others."Quote.

To use student's pass as an adult, or sharing pass among friends all the time HAS NOTHING TO DO with being:" thoughtful to those less fortunate". As I said, it is not a question of money! It is REALLY a question of respect: respect ourselves, others and the system! Here I do think that because of the past living experience in CHINA, ( I truely regret in saying that ) quite some Chinese (don't know other Chinese from other places) don't know the word: RESPECT. Because in China, nobody respects nobody, people tend to "respect" mostly or only their family members, friends, superiors in their jobs, etc. and they don't respect the system neither ( let's not talk about the system in China, if so, it is going to be too long).

I can not do nothing for now for the Chinese in China, but I hope I can do something for the Chinese here(those who are willing to change) by exchanging opinions. I want to help, NOT want to stand higher. If I can help, I WILL stand on the bottom to support them. You have misunderstood me unfortunately!

Little story about feeling Superior( stand higher):

Years ago, I had a Chinese girl in my class. One day, she told me that she was leaving for China once she got her permanent resident card. I asked why, she said: "I can not stand here because I do not feel superior here". To tell you the truth, I have been feeling very sad for her. I am not rich, I am not poor, I came to Canada NOT to be superior or stand HIGHER than others. I come to Canada to GROW, to DEVELOP, to UNDERSTAND better about myself, China, Chinese and other countries and people who are different from us and I come here to become a wise and confident person and a fountain of love so that one day, I can stand firm, will be full of commom senses and have the power to make the right choices and decisions in my life.

I truely hope that Chinese should stop fighting for anything ridiculous like to be right, to be superior or to stand higher. I know that If I want truely to help and love, I have NO CHOICE, but on the BOTTOM.

Thank you Hangzhou62 for your comments!
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发表于 2007-2-24 02:56 | 只看该作者
应该没有错的, 好象成人使用学生票这是违法的, 不是钻空子的问题. 将来有麻烦. 似乎地铁的检查人员和汽车司机没有权罚款, 但是他可以报警. 如果被警察罚款, 那么就有记录. 这和驾驶违章不同只是罚款了事. 如果将来上法庭, 对方律师能调出所有的记录.

Post by vipkj
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发表于 2007-2-24 01:17 | 只看该作者
成人使用学生票的人要注意了, 如果被抓住不但被罚款, 据说也将永远记录在案. 对以后的申请公民, 上法庭等都有影响.
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发表于 2007-2-24 00:53 | 只看该作者
Post by hangzhou62
You are partially right. But here unlike in China, if something is not prohibited by law, then it's legal. Don't take things for granted.

STM prohibits to rent and resell the ticket (thanks to wu808's information), but it does not prohibit sharing the tichet/pass according to the best of my knowledge. If you think that a family shares a pass is 'ok', why not brothers/sisters (adult brothers/sisters are not considered as a family here in Canada), or close friends, neighbers, coworkers? Law should be practical. Sharing ticket should be either legal or illegal, no exception unless otherwise specified.  
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