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[手机] BELL的合同, 请帮忙看一下

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发表于 2007-2-24 01:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
收到BELL的合同, 这是第一次准备签合同. 看了一下, 发现里面没有注明是否有流量限制和是否有其他费用. 电话跟他们沟通的时候他们说是没有流量限制, 也没有其他费用, 然后就把这个合同给我E-MAIL过来了.
    还有啊, 我以前用他们的PROMOTION应该是在3月10日左右到期, 是不是应该也要他们在合同里注明合同的开始和结束日期呢?
    有没有最近签合同的, 还有拿到更好的价格的吗?

This e-mail is sent as confirmation of your order on 2/22/2007 for the
Bell Sympatico High Speed Internet service under our 12-month contract

Under the terms of the 12-month contract offer you will pay the monthly
rate of $34.95/month for 12 months. Monthly rates include access and
modem use.. Early cancellation of your service before the end of the
12-month term will result in an early cancellation charge of $100.00. At
the end of the 12-month term, the service will continue on a
month-to-month basis.

Please click on the "Agree" link below to confirm the above information.
By clicking on the "Agree" link, you are also indicating that you are of
legal age and have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the terms
and conditions of the Sympatico High Speed Service Agreement
[url=javascriptl('http://agreements.sympatico.ca/');]http://agreements.sympatico.ca/[/url]> and you agree to delivery of the
contract documents and notices in electronic form. We recommend that you
print and save a copy of this email and the Service Agreement for future

If for any reason the "Agree" button does not appear on your screen,
simply reply to this email and insert the words "Bell Sympatico High
Speed Contract Agreement Approval" in the subject field.

If you have any questions regarding your Internet Service Provider or
the terms and conditions of this Service Agreement, you may contact Bell
Canada, Sympatico Member Services, at P.O. Box 70092, Ottawa, Ontario,
K2P 2M3 or by e-mail to
mailto:assistance@sympatico.ca> .

Thank you.
发表于 2007-3-13 14:24 | 只看该作者

Hi, can you tell me how to check the bandwidth usage from bell website, thanks
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-2-28 10:18 | 只看该作者
现在新开户的用户都都下载流量限制了.目前最优惠的条件是 1-3月免费,4-6月$19.95,7-12月$32.95.自己给Sympatico 打电话就可以,要跟Sympatico要求这个优惠条件.如果你自己不要求,他们就给你一个高的价格.Sympatico一年的合同目前就有5种不同的优惠条件.Sympatico的策略是开始给你一个最高的价格,如果用户不同意,Sympatico再让一步,如果用户还不同意,Sympatico继续让.直到最后低线.大多数的用户在前一两个优惠时就接受了.所以很多同样都是一年的合同,而价格却有很大差别.
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发表于 2007-2-26 01:14 | 只看该作者
Post by Lalune06
PPLIVE: 45KB/s*60s/min*60min/hour*2hours/day*30days/month=8.5-9.5 GB/month。

i've got a limit of 30 GB.
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发表于 2007-2-26 01:00 | 只看该作者
Post by 蒙城等待
那就是说, 这个合同是没有什么问题的了?
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发表于 2007-2-26 00:59 | 只看该作者
PPLIVE: 45KB/s*60s/min*60min/hour*2hours/day*30days/month=8.5-9.5 GB/month。
Post by diorlancome
it's strange. i watch movies every day for nearly two hours with ppalive or ppstream, but i never exceed this limit. and i check my upload and download usage in my personal bell site, and i find i am only near to 29 g every month, but never out of this limit.
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-26 00:33 | 只看该作者
Post by Lalune06
有明确指示的,就是没有的 。

那就是说, 这个合同是没有什么问题的了?
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发表于 2007-2-25 23:09 | 只看该作者
Post by Lalune06
远远不够,如果你下载电视剧(同时还有几乎相同量的upload,那么就是doubled),或者网上看 PPLIVE 电视,那么一会就超出限制了,不过19.95计划有封顶,就是最高不超过 30$/month 的 extra charge for bandwidth use.

it's strange. i watch movies every day for nearly two hours with ppalive or ppstream, but i never exceed this limit. and i check my  upload and download usage in my personal bell site, and i find i am only near to 29 g every month, but never out of this limit.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-2-25 22:46 | 只看该作者
远远不够,如果你下载电视剧(同时还有几乎相同量的upload,那么就是doubled),或者网上看 PPLIVE 电视,那么一会就超出限制了,不过19.95计划有封顶,就是最高不超过 30$/month 的 extra charge for bandwidth use.
Post by diorlancome
i doubt it. check bell' site could be assured.

anyway, 30g is really big. i watch movies every day and i never run out of it.

a question: this tarif is the price before tax. so the taxed price will be 40?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-2-25 22:44 | 只看该作者
合同没有注明,就是没有。这里是加拿大的法律,不能有任何隐含的限制。没有明确指示的,就是没有的 。

Post by danielune
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