新闻链接: http://news.wenxuecity.com/messages...312-395105.html
辱华人: 请联系FCC(付联系及样稿)
想必大家陆续听说了CBS WFNY-FM (92.3FM in New York, New York) 在“Doghouse”节目段的JV & Elvis,在节目中给中餐馆打电话侮辱华人,极尽能事,并且重播了一次!
我感谢并大力支持华人团体到目前为止提出的抗议和要求:解雇节目监制及JV, Elvis, 彻底取消Doghouse一档节目,CBS道歉。为达到这些目的,除了向CBS抗议,另一个有效渠道是要求FCC正式调查并罚款CBS.
大家还记得Janet Jackson 的 “nipplegate” 事件吧?虽然很可能是个事故,但因为众多美国家庭抱怨未成年的孩子在家长毫无防备之下看到了有伤风化的镜头,FCC 第二天就立案调查,congress 也把媒体播报不宜内容的每次罚款从$27,500提高10倍到$275,000.
我认为CBS Doghouse 事件要比Janet Jackson 事件严重的多,而且比Imus事件更恶劣。因为它是明显蓄意而为,种族歧视与性歧视并举,重播 更令人发指!而且节目播出时间也十分可恶:第一次在Imus时间转天,第二次则在Imus被解雇后!针对华人,挑衅性极强!
虽然种族歧视的事件永远不会消除,但我们必须有一个底线。如果有人过线,我们就要团结起来,坚决维护自己的权力!像CBS这种大型主流媒体如此纵容不堪就 严重过线了!我们争取FCC介入调查, 不仅要达到我们惩戒CBS的目的,更重要的事警示美国的主流媒体和人群,教他们慢慢学会尊重华人,遵守他们自己的法律!
我在此贴出FCC (fcc.gov) contacts, 请求大家联系FCC要求调查。还可以联系你州参众议员表示抗议,要求介入。
FCC Chairman: 202-418-1000
FCC Fax: 866-418-0232
FCC Audio Service: 202-418-2700 (for radio rather than Video/TV, though it’s bit complicated since CBS has both)
Chairman Kevin J. Martin: KJMWEB@fcc.gov
Commissioner Michael J. Copps: Michael.Copps@fcc.gov
Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein: Jonathan.Adelstein@fcc.gov
Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate: dtaylortateweb@fcc.gov
Commissioner Robert McDowell: Robert.McDowell@fcc.gov
Subject: Call for FCC investigation into CBS WFNY-FM (92.3) "Doghouse" repeated sexual and racial discrimination broadcast
Dear …
I'd like to alert you to a very disturbing public radio broadcast by CBS WFNY-FM, 92.3FM in New York, New York, in the “Doghouse” program by JV and Elvis. And I'd like to call for a formal FCC investigation into its indecent content, levy of highest fines for the two incidents, and shut-down of the “Doghouse” program.
Here is the link (on Youtube.com) of the recording of the program segment.
(Please copy the full link into your browser if it's broken or non-clickable)
The 6-minute segment was first broadcast on April 5th, a day after the infamous Imus incident (also on CBS), and outrageously rebroadcast on April 20th (date needs to be verified), after Imus was fired by CBS. Their pushing and testing of boundaries is impossible to ignore.
CBS, as one of the major mainstream media in the United States whose influence on public especially on young people cannot be over-stated, in this case, grossly abused its broadcasting privilege, and must take full responsibility for the incidents. The fact that CBS let such profane content broadcast and re-broadcast is both horrifying and most unsettling. What is CBS sponsoring? What is CBS encouraging?
I’m …. Of Chinese origin (and as a female), I found the content incredibly insulting, and found the re-broadcast infuriating. The extreme offensive nature of the continuous sexually and racially discriminative content is way beyond whatever that "freedom of speech" could possibly justify. And I can assure you that the Chinese communities that I'm connected to felt the same way.
According to my knowledge, New York City Council member John C. Liu, California Sen. Leland Yee, and activist Jesse Jackson have all expressed their protests and/or concerns.
Your immediate look into this matter and public or private response would be highly appreciated.
With regards
Sincerely, |