我完全同意bell很下流, 我已经遭到他们无数次的骚扰。不光是我,只要有我认识的人用sympatico几乎都被骗过。 我已经打过n次电话, 后来总结出点经验。
7 I B5 u- Q3 f/ \! t; L1。如果你是网络有问题打到他们technical support center, 用英语服务的一般都连到印度或菲律宾。为了省钱他们两年前把加拿大英语部门搬到印度最近菲律宾也有他们的部门。所以那帮人根本不在乎服务质量。 我开始打电话还很耐心的根他们说我的问题所在, 后来发现他们根本是一帮废物。他们的工作就是照着script读。 这帮人(印度阿差)总体来说欺软怕硬, 尤其是对女士非常的不尊重。 所以上来给他们来硬的你就不会被牵着鼻子走。我一般上来不跟他废话直接让他把我transfer到floor manager。 虽说是floor manager其实比一般的technician 好不到哪去。有一次我让那人帮我transfer结果他让我等了20分钟, 当电话接通我又听见那白痴的声音, 还跟我说他就是floor manager。由此可见印巴人是多么的恶心。 总的来说, 打电话到英语tech support基本上是没什么希望能解决问题。 他们那里的职责就是想方设法的把问题推到顾客身上。 他们法语部门还好点因为基地在加拿大, 会法语的朋友最好用法语。" m1 S% Z) I1 X' A: C' z! t
# i& o3 r7 z0 y* l2 c2 u8 u
2。如果是帐上有问题比如果他们多charge钱你开始一定不要着急也别生气。 根他们好好说清楚情况, 如果他们承认是他们的问题你让他们把错误纠正。 在挂电话前一定要重复一下所有的变动, 说的具体点 然后记好服务人员的名字和reference # 因为电话有记录。 如果第一第二次找不回来钱,你就不用和他们客气了。 口气不要太火, 只要让他们知道我们不是白痴, 也懂法律。 当你把前几次的reference # 和人名告诉他们的manager,基本上他们就不敢再拖了。我之前被他们多charge 170, 打了三四次都没给解决。后来就找到他们的manager jean philiph and senior supervisor mark 根他们说 look, those r the reference #s and names, im fully aware of customer laws in quebec and please dont make me call them to solve the problem. 就这样他们3天内把钱打到我账号而且也不让我交月费了。& e. J O# [* K6 u# I, L
/ Q' _6 i k8 p/ D) j2 O3 }
3。bell还用一个很黑的方法就是breaking contract fee $100, 这个纯属他们骗钱。首先,他们这个公司在一年前就不再有任何contract plan。 这个我是专门问他们的sinior manager。 事情是这样的, 我之前问他们其他的问题他们跟我说你没有任何合同。 后来我因为他们多charge我钱我说我不想用你们的service结果他很得意地来句你得交100 for breaking the contract. soooooooooo contradicting!!!! 这种情况你跟他说清楚然后告诉他你之前打电话那人说没有contract。 所以说和bell大叫道一定要小心再小心, 每次电话保证记好人名和reference #. 当你有证据他们就不敢再bullshit. 如果他们还死不承认没contract, 你就得跟他们玩文字游戏。我解决这个问题方法: . k: j$ m1 ]# l- [
me: so what is a contract?
2 q# p/ Y' T8 [' y! j& W7 z, tmanager: its a verbal agreement
; i7 V, X3 J# fme: what does it mean when you said breaking the contract3 V% g! ^- K, @! `% o, O
man: it means you dont want to continue using our service, which is against the previous agreement.
3 a9 P6 ^2 `0 ~: Z6 Z5 j J f Xme: so you are saying that if someone didn't follow the agreement should pay 100 dollars.
3 d$ s X/ T% G' v8 l B* aman: yes sir$ W% W8 [7 }, {. Y0 U
me: is there agreement that says you have to charge me extra money for no reason?
" l5 I7 u- ?" J7 pman: no5 N$ k% ?, ~% M5 _% Y' F' {0 @7 X
me:so since you break the contract, then you should give me back my money and on top of that you should pay me 100$ for breaking the contract& I/ z9 m* u& e! ~
man: sir, you got to understand that we already fixed the problem and since the problem is fix, then we no longer break the contract." Y4 _8 s0 h) k" B |: Z+ k
me: ive been calling you for so long and you never gave my money back, im sorry you have no credibility so dont even bother to tell me that you can fix the problem.1 ~0 e! i' T6 a. w; C
fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. , }' c/ I7 W9 s( a& `
man: sir, what about this, i give you 3 more month free of charge with 60GB of downloading and uploading limit and we will give you money back in less than 3 days, would you still like to use our service.6 a9 H5 Y* I9 o7 M+ K5 b* n
me:look, i had enough with your service and i just dont want to use it.
1 Z/ T2 v" J- f" \" p0 d/ h, yman:sir wut about this, just try our service for one more month and if you really dont like it, you can switch it without any payment. here i give you my desk phonenumber and whenever you have a problem, give me a call. # D4 i4 D$ |$ x. l3 I
* V( M- ^5 p' i$ S5 I- R' g以上说的是我个人观点, 总的来说要不是他们价钱低我也不会花那时间和他们打交道。以前他们是独家经营,但现在竞争者越来越多。 尤其一旦加拿大允许美国的公司进入加拿大那他们前景也不咋地。 |