去年我家的一侧搬来一个邻居,一个中国女人带一个两三岁的男孩。开始,见是个中国邻居,我很高兴,尤其见她自己带个那末小的孩子,我就更觉得只要她需要帮忙,我会毫不犹豫,她忙时帮她带孩子,买菜时坐我家的车一起去买。但很快发现她是家里干净家外脏。(我没去过她家,但我相信她家干净)房东总是强调:不要把凉台当储藏间,不要在楼道里放鞋子。但她把这些地方占得满满的。有一次她把垃圾袋没系好,放在走廊里一天。我恐怕她经常这样,我们又是邻居,最受害的是我家。我就帖了一个帖子在sinoquebec上。 " D- G) Y. w, P% b 8 o# ^! m5 w+ g我猜我得罪她了。因为很快她就和我们同一层的一个黑人邻居讲我臭:我在卫生间里大声放屁,大便臭不可闻。这个黑人人家是老租户,和下面的黑人人家熟悉。很快这谣言在楼里传开了。楼下几个菲律宾和黑人女人一边带孩子一边嚼舌头。她们兴奋得大声讲着。楼里有租户不愿意了。他们对中国的萨斯病记忆犹新。他们害怕又另一种病毒。我们家门口莫名其妙地被喷上消毒水,香水。本来我们家的老邻居和我们家有良好的邻里关系,被这件事搞得好紧张。对门的老太太在我家门口吸烟。在这之前是没有的。楼下的邻居只要听见我家的马桶冲水声,就打开排风扇。现在干脆不关排风扇。老外们一边宁可信其有不可信其无,一边想知道是不是真的。于是我们家的卫生间成焦点了。开始,我的那个中国女人邻居装作一个爱国者来谴责我给中国人丢脸,天天' s, i D( `$ z0 g4 D
摔门,往我家卧室和卫生间与她家公用墙上摔东西。我感到很生气,一天听到她出去,我也出去,一边走一边给朋友打电话,实际上是警告她别再胡闹。做贼的就是心虚。她认为我会报复她,以后摔完门,她带她儿子走到我家门口时,这个狠毒的母亲竟然让小孩在前面走。她认为如果我也摔门,惊吓了孩子,我就浑身是嘴也说不清。1 N% a" x! p2 I. y, Q9 h7 m' x
Really feel funny to see this story....actually I did feel that it was LZ's psychologic problem.....sorry, it is my true feeling. I don't know LZ and I don't know that woman lives beside, so I don't have to lean to either side of you and her. I just felt LZ was too sensitive on other people's behaviors even though for those that would be nothing for me. + h" s# l6 h" F4 j# d9 ~ 1 T4 l+ g3 _! D. d
% n( z: D6 H# ]+ S
And it is really bored and fucked-up to see how we Chinese people fighting with each other, shame.....why can't we just stay peacefully and friendly? We are all Chinese, and most of Chinese here are nice people, and it is really not funny to see how we Chinese against each other like that. If you do have problems with those black guys and your life has been bothered and threatened, move your ass to call the police or just simply move out of there. Please do not post your ridiculous story here - it makes me sick..... $ ^1 N. v7 q, P& n1 a ! r0 J3 n# q8 N0 w& PI could not type my thread in Chinese....hope LZ undertsands.