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要收过桥费了, 大家谈谈吧

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发表于 2008-6-6 18:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
听说是$3, 还不知道是单程还是双程, 如果是单程那一天来回就要$6. 一个星期就是$30. 一年就是$1500. 像这种收费站一但放上了就很难取下来了。 估计laval和南岸的房子不久可能会降价吧
发表于 2008-9-1 07:04 | 只看该作者
Sorry, can't resist to write something here. Just my wild thoughts after having been here for a couple of years. & A. }7 Z9 p) M: _& F1 p
( l+ `% A. m5 G0 [' _4 j
All the governments are the same - they are greedy and want to collect as much easy money as they can in the form of tax and miscenaneous fees. Some are leaner, cleaner, and more efficient, not because they are "good" and "lenient", but because they are monitored and controlled more effectively by the poeple. Having been in US for quite a few years, I have a deep understading why Canada, especially Quebec is no where on par with US in many aspects. Here whenever the governments (especially the greedy governments in Quebec) need more money, they alwasy instinctively want to increase tax or fees instead of controlling the wastful spending, especially the irresponsible spending of the easily money on those lazy and inefficient government and public agencies/organization (look at how much benefit the government employees are enyoying (a revenue agency employee or a cashier at an Metro ticket booth may make much more money than you think). The government does not create wealth directly, and it only services the public, so any heavy government (and a lot of money spending associated with it) would only drives the capable and money-making people away to other places (like US) and thus hampers the development of economy.
& Y) m$ g. Q4 K8 o8 p( Z' i1 l " d% e9 d9 [1 [) D
Here we pay a lot more tax, and don't really enjoy a lot more benefit (especially for a working middle class). It is true that some of the tax goes to the elderly and disadvantaged people, but a lot of money is irresponsibly spent by the government. Almost everything we buy here is more expensive than in US (with lower net income), some of which is reasonable, but many are not justified. Even for the service from the government which we support with more tax, we pay much more fees. We pay many dollars for a driver's license a year in Quebec (a few dozens in Ontario), and in US, it is typically about $10 for 5 years (in the stats I stayed a few years ago). Here to visit a national park, one car pays about $17 a day, while in US, (again, a few years ago), I only had to pay $10 a week, and $20 only for some big parks like Grand Canyon.; }+ M- Q8 C' i7 Z
1 `( N. R' Y/ `" o! u& O" N# R
Yes, corruption exists in the government, and it is hidden and looks legitimate.
0 B2 B! K+ i0 r( w* M , I  O' l# b. K, U
Something to think about why a country like Canada is different than the neighbor with the same culture...
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铁马秋风塞北 该用户已被删除
发表于 2008-8-30 17:04 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-8-30 16:56 | 只看该作者

南岸和LAVAL 的房价

过桥费的确增加了岛外居民的费用,但可能没有$1400之高.因为过桥费的实施,一定程度上缓解了高峰期的交通压力, 岛外居民上下班的交通时间会缩短, 交通油耗会有一定幅度下降,现在油价高,相比过桥费$3.00,相当于2.3L油, 而节省的时间至少1HR/天.* D# O& \: z4 f5 H

& n; P' o6 F! M. \如此说来, 过桥费$3.00/天,实在没有足够的理由导致岛外的房子降价. 而且,岛外的宁静和清新,安全的确不是岛内可以比的,房价更不用说.
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发表于 2008-8-30 16:18 | 只看该作者


Post by 2dian
; @  J8 o' y( V 不收是便宜大家了.
% v! n8 \7 w) t+ J8 r' y
1 X. y) ]+ z2 G- I+ @
% _6 K- r0 X. E, }此话怎讲?
. [# e0 N3 Z$ t0 Z( J5 t5 l9 S/ W0 M4 o' M, B. r+ Y
你魁北克能跟别人比收桥费吗, 你干嘛不比一下魁省的税项和其他省的税项? 看看魁省的税是否惊天动地!
5 m; v2 r2 o; {2 Y4 e4 o6 o/ X$ \0 h' D- S  f2 H, Y/ D
你估计不用过桥, 有桥你也用不上你就眼红别人过桥的. 我看是便宜了你吧, 你每年是不是没交税, 心理过意不去. 我每年交的税可是将近20 000 刀的血汗钱, 这比一个8刀工资的年收入还高, 你觉得还不满足吗?
/ o  r. j' F0 p' A! g, }" r* O% v" S2 w$ L% M$ _( e! l. I$ d6 g- L

$ W1 v7 H% L, U  h
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发表于 2008-8-18 11:23 | 只看该作者
油价升了,这个夏天还真觉得路上的车少了好多,每天上午经香槟桥到市里的都没觉得有往年的长龙,好现象,方正我喜欢。还谈什么过桥费了,真的收的话,估计 桥上可以开飞机了!
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发表于 2008-8-15 12:24 | 只看该作者


$ s8 B7 b5 ~( ~! a% u, ` - Y$ O- M! F+ }1 `0 K
0 m; i5 n6 v' E0 _, s
, n4 p& c" ]0 w4 g那里房价低是有道理的。
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发表于 2008-8-15 12:18 | 只看该作者
记得今年年初的时候,联邦税下调了1%,我们伟大的谭市长先生上书省长,要求增加省税,以保持到联邦税下调前的一个水平,不过最终被省长驳回了。" V# A0 u* G9 o1 u" {5 V: V
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发表于 2008-8-15 10:40 | 只看该作者
Post by nidie
% o( B6 }/ z7 d5 e. U+ y 西岛来市内就要付钱了。
! z& s+ G  L8 c& P; \那里房价低是有道理的。
% e( \, ~! ^% A+ d
# A# z/ r) V9 {2 }; K7 y谭市长何时下台呀??
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发表于 2008-8-15 10:34 | 只看该作者
Post by endmill
( ~2 p4 U! ~0 f, R7 A/ W$ s 现在还在讨论阶段,没有最后定,但MONTREAL的市长很赞成.
! s8 A: [2 @( {' r$ d0 Z0 E- R, s进市要收费,出去不用钱.其实美国十年前就开始了,多伦多也早
9 E) {7 c% d) x+ _& T  f就实施了.
% b! `6 j3 U+ z2 A# x" }
! v# o8 b& t3 t+ u) s$ L去曼哈顿收隧道费.
% W% Y, w/ k& `2 A7 G* V7 C去波士顿downtown, 芝加哥downtown, 洛杉矶downtown, 一分钱没交过.
* q1 E2 h) F6 I- q  p3 b0 k旧金山过金门桥收费,不管什么方向, 印象里1,2美元的样子.
% \4 C( T$ j; E4 V5 X& p, Z 0 |8 g$ r# R! k  m" @- ?
MONTREAL的市长一定是嫌蒙特里尔发展太快, 外来人口太多, 劳动力太足, 商场太火爆没地儿停车, 才为了一点眼前小利.
7 Y% h- D. h' I; Z6 u, N. F; [南岸和北岸的商家乐开环啦!;)
sponsored by http://[url=\"http://www.asia-bride.com.\"]www.asia-bride.com.[/url]
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