Post by carson
移民就是硬道理,多多益善。它欧美搞的是文化侵略武力侵略,咱们就来个人口侵略!白种人不喜欢?靠! who cares? 他们大量往这里移民时,印地安人喜欢过吗?依我说呀,咱们华人不但要鼓励国内的人来,还要努力发挥尚生精神。每家每户男男女女生他一窝。假以时日,嘿嘿,试看它日之北美,竟是谁人之天下?!
I simply come. However, I don't see any material benefit I can enjoy or I have enjoyed here:
I pay more for a shity house here than for a decent one in China;
I pay more for the food here than that in China;
I pay more for the clothing here than in China;
I pay more taxes here....I pay more for this, pay more for that here than in China.
By the way, how did/do/have you say/said thank-you to the ancestors of local people? 问米,布梦,跳大神,还是自焚?
Many of us simply come and enjoy the material benefit and welfare here in Canada
I think you are talking about the past. Can you see a clear trend in the past decades? Could I correct your comment like this:
Many Chinese simply CAME and ENJOYED the material benefit and welfare in Canada a decade ago. (probably 0% of them thought Canada was not a place to make a better life, that's normal for an early stage).
More Chinese simply come and have to find even poor-paid jobs before they can enjoy the material benefit and welfare. (perhaps 50% of them from the metropolises in China realize that life in Canada is totally not so easy as what they thought to be. A big question mark appears in the present stage).
More and more Chinese simply decide to stay in China and enjoy their life there (maybe 80% of us will return to China, as what the Hong Kongers did in the past decade).