在expedia上说:Note: The prices shown below are for the flight only; they are e-ticket prices and includevar szTaxesLink = "all flight taxes and fees."; [url=javascript:TT(szTaxesTitle,szTaxesBody,1,350,0,0,'',null);]document.write(szTaxesLink);all flight taxes and fees.[/url]var szPtktFeeTitle = " aper ticket fee";var szPtktFeeBody = "Some itineraries are not available as e-tickets. If your itinerary cannot be booked as an e-ticket you will be informed prior to completion of your purchase.[img][/img]
\If your itinerary requires paper tickets, there is an additional $19.99 shipping and handling charge to print and express deliver your paper tickets. \The shipping and handling charge may show up in a separate charge on your credit card statement." If your itinerary requires paper tickets there will be anvar szPtktFeeLink = "additional charge."; [url=javascript:TT(szPtktFeeTitle,szPtktFeeBody,1,350,0,0,'',null);]document.write(szPtktFeeLink);additional charge.[/url] Prices do not include baggage fees or other fees charged directly by the airline.
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