Ottawa is a good city, we lived there before we moved to montreal. we sometimes go back to visit friends, or watch hockey. Usually the house there is big. School deponds on which area you will live. Kanata has good school, and many chinese like there. also some chinese with young kids live in Hull or Alymer, they canhave Qc's benefit and kids can learn french well before kids learn english.
多谢cfottawa. 还在犹豫中,因为牵挂的事情太多了。孩子要重新找幼儿园,房子要卖,父母(已移民)是不是要跟着去......... 3 x7 `* R6 f- M1 m
Post by cfottawa 8 w' T1 N" Z: ^+ T( M. u/ A
你可以选择住在一河之隔的Hull,因是魁省地界,一切福利不变而且房价比Ottawa便宜不是一点两点。 , H8 Y; k2 l% Q% _. c, {+ F' h2 @
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